Just A Teenage Girl-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Andres' P.O.V.

Once at the manor, Andres was happy to find that Ellie looked more at peace when she was closer to the manor. And she was smiling. She has a beautiful smile, Andres thought. He couldn't love her. Andres wanted to love her but he couldn't because she was a huntress and he was the one that she was supposed to kill. He knew that he was going to get an ear full when he walked over the door frame, because vampires and werewolves didn't ever have to be invited in to a hunter, a witches, or another powerful creatures house. Therefore, Damien the oldest White boy in the family. And he was going to be furious about a vampire being in the house.

After a couple seconds, he realized quite quickly that Stefano was glaring at him. He wiped the smile off his face but not before Ellie had a chance to see it. Andres hated the White family. He didn't know why or how his hatred began. All he knew was he felt hatred towards them. Like a long lost instinct that he didn't know he had. It was some what natural. To hate her though was like Romeo attempting to hate Juliet. It was impossible but yet natural. Andres knew that whatever he felt for her was wrong and he shouldn't feel it. But he didn't know how to squash the feelings he was starting to gain for this huntress. In his time after becoming a vampire, he had met so many huntresses. They all wanted to kill him and he escaped every time because of his quickness. But since he bit a White boy then refused to eat again his swiftness completely vanished. But he still got away from all the other huntresses. There was something about this one that stood out from all the others. She attracted him. But none of the others had.

After they got to they manor, Andres knew he had to figure out what was going on with this whole situation. Eleania Mariebella White had caught him and taken him as her parole prisoner. How I am almost impossible to catch, Andres thought.


"Yes, Andres? What it is it," Ellie asked, her tone seemed unhappy but yet they were at the manor.

"May I speak with you? Alone," he responded.

They walked into a private room where there was a full size bed, the color scheme of the room was blues and greens. There was a large dresser with a picture of two little boys and two little girls. One of the little girls he recognized to be none other than the beauty standing in front of. The two boys, he recognized because of the way they scowled. One was Stefano and the other was Damien. But the other little girl he had never seen before. There was a desk in the back corner of the room with more pictures of a much younger Ellie and the same little girl. But then he noticed the little girl never grew up in any of the pictures. The oldest she looked was eight years old. But there were not any other pictures of the little girl. Just more pictures of Ellie, some with sad smiles, some with fake smiles, then the ones near the manor were the ones she was smiling for real. It was a happy smile not a sad one or fake one. Book cases on every wall. And there was a bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. Her room. It reflected her personality.

"So what is it that you wanted to speak with me about? Andres?"

"Will you explain to me why you spared me? Because I am completely confused. I am a vampire you're a huntress. You should have killed me. But you didn't. You're going to get into trouble with the Order. They could put you to death for sparing a vampires life. Or worse."

"I have more important things in my life than worrying about the Order. Besides its my decision and I was out in charge not Damien. And definitely not Stefano. Me. And what I say goes. Besides I thought you would be happy that I spared your life. If you aren't happy about it I can always take your life right here right now."

She picked up a dagger and threw it in his direction. He couldn't believe she just did that. Stakes can injure a vampire, they can even bleed out a vampire when staked into the heart, but a dagger would permanently kill a vampire forever. As long as the dagger, stayed in the body, the vampire was dead. Dagger be taken out and vampire lives.

He watched with fear as the dagger came ever so close to him. Andres couldn't believe this she had actually thrown the dagger. He froze. The dagger kept coming at him.

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