Just A Teenage Girl-Chapter 1

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Ellie's P.O.V.

Ellie was walking in the night with Stefano, when Ellie saw something dark move at an inhuman speed behind her favorite brother. She reached out to a tree and with her power to control the wind broke a branch off the tree. It landed in her hand and she threw it behind her brother just as she saw the dark shadow. It hit the proper mark. And Ellie took off running to finish the evil thing off. Her brother followed.

Chapter 1

The evil thing didn't look so evil. He had dirty blonde hair with really pretty blue eyes. In his eyes you could see the hell he had been through had made an imprint on his soul, though she knew his soul was no longer his. It was Lucifer's soul to keep. He had traded his soul in for immortality. Why? She had no clue why anyone would want immortality and become Lucifer's servant, when doing so was meant that Ellie herself would end up killing you for it. He was tall and masculine, and he had perfect angelic looks in every way. He was wearing a black V-neck tee with an old pair of black jeans and a pair of black work boots. His skin was a tad darker than those she had encountered before. And he seemed in pain. The branch, which Ellie had used as a stake, was in his leg. He was weak. Meaning he had not fed in at least two months.

Two months ago was the last time Stefano was attacked. The vampire that attacked him had attacked him then fled when he saw Ellie coming. No one had attacked him since. Partially, because he never went anywhere without Ellie or even Damien. Ellie was a vampire huntress and Damien was a wolf hunter. Stefano was a normal White child all he could do is turn someone to ash just like his mother. But Damien could kill a wolf just by looking at him. His eyes were made of silver and wolves couldn't be around silver. Because of this, both Ellie and Damien were safe, and could protect their brother better than anyone else. Vampires and Wolves knew not to mess with the White siblings. If they did, they were dead.

The vampire lying on the ground was complaining about how bad the stake in his leg hurt. Stefano caught up with little Ellie, and said, "L, that's the one that attacked me two months ago. Kill him."

Ellie didn't want to. In fact, she felt sorry for him. He fed on White blood, then didn't feed again. She felt guilty about killing a vampire who is not lethal.

"Eleania! Kill him! Stake him! Now! Before I call Damien."

"Shut up, Stefano! I'm trying to think!"

"The more you think the more time you waste. He will have time to kill you if you don't kill him."

Then for the first time, the vampire spoke directly at Ellie and Stefano. But he used a tone that made her realize how annoyed he was with Stefano.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I'm not dumb. I was dumb to feed on you. I didn't know you were a White up until recently. I wouldn't have done it if I had known what your last name was. Besides, you deserved it. You turned my little sister Katarina into ash. You should burn in hell for that she was an innocent soul. She hadn't been marked, and she hadn't traded her soul. She was purely human. And she was only sixteen years old. You stupid jerk. I was marked a year after just so I could avenge her I was going to finish the job, but your sister stopped me. I realized how wrong it would be if I took her brothers life just cause he took my sisters life. I fled. It had nothing to do with me wanting to feed. I wanted revenge. And maybe you should stop calling me vampire. I have a name. Just because I traded in my soul for immortality it doesn't mean I traded in my name."

Stefano was struck speechless. Neither Ellie nor Stefano had ever heard one talk. They knew they could but they never had a chance to when Ellie was around they were found and killed in just seconds. No more, no less.

"Okay. Well, I think that just finalized my decision. I'm not going to kill you, but I'm not going to let your go free either. What's your name, Vamp?"

"The name is Andres Rodriguez. And if you aren't going to kill me or let me go, what are you going to so with me? Huntress?"

"Andres. First off, you don't call me 'Huntress', I have a name. Use it. And from now on you're on parole. Vampire parole."

"Alright. Fine. Ellie. So, on parole do I get any favors?"

"Depends on what favor it is you want."

"Well, for starters I would like this stake pulled out of my leg."

"Oh yeah sorry about that."

She pulled the branch out of his leg and then watched the wound as the skin pulled itself back together. It was weird watching it do that. She'd never seen anything like that happen. Ellie realized in that moment there was a different reason why she had stopped the process of killing him. But she didn't know what it was that had stopped her hunter instinct to kill them. She knew she had to kill him sooner or later. But later seemed more welcoming than sooner did.

He stood up and was much taller than she initially thought he was. Andres jumped and went flying in the air for a split second and then hit the ground landing on his feet with grace.

"Finally, my legs are better. Thank you, Ellie!"

Ellie, Stefano, and Andres walked back to the White Manor. Andres was quiet the whole way. And Stefano was flipping out because Damien would be furious that Ellie had not killed a vampire who had bit one of their kind. It then would become an argument about how to take care of the evil vampire. It had happened before with a wolf girl only it was Damien who brought her to the manor and it was none other than Ellie who had been upset and asked all the questions, made all the horrible insults, and had argued her point endlessly until Damien finally just killed the wolf. But not openly he had done it discreetly just as Ellie assumed she'd be expected to do with Andres before the Order found out they were housing a vampire.

The Order were a small elite group of Vampire and Werewolf Hunters who chose the children who were marked as Vampire Hunters and Werewolf Hunters. These children were chosen within the hunter families. And were marked before they were two weeks old, making the way of a hunter become their natural instincts. Their marks would grow each time a vampire or werewolf died at their hands. This made them more experienced and more likely to be able to kill the next vampire or werewolf with much more ease than the last. Before long, they become masters at their jobs and are then promoted to Orderly Hunter/Huntress. These are the highest ranking hunters in the Order. Then the new generation of hunters take their places. Ellie and Damien were ranked at the second level of their job. It would take at least four years, if not more, for them to get the ranking of Orderly.

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