Just A Teenage Girl-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Damien's P.O.V.

Hearing this conversation in their minds, was worse than actually walking in on it. It was more intense in their minds than it could ever be out loud. In their minds, you could hear, the pain and hurt in their 'voices'. It honestly sounded as though they had loved each other their whole lives and now they are being forced to leave each other. He didn't know what to do so he stopped listening.

"You rang, Damien?"

"Oh ya. Maya, she found a vampire and is falling in love with it. And treating it like it were a human or another hunter. I have no clue what I am supposed to do. Mother is going to furious."

"Oh Damien. You knew she was like Elisa. After all they are twins. You knew one day something like this would happen. So why is it surprising you? Damien, she is Ellie. She knows what's right and what's wrong. And she knows that this is against the law she will make the right decisions I promise," Maya said in a reassuring tone.

Ellie is the smartest and the youngest kid in the White family. That's why all this time even though, Damien knew this would happen he had tried for so many years to prevent it. But now the inevitable was to happen.

At least she were, eighteen years old now. This way, she can at least legally leave and not have to say much to her human friends. All she had to do was say "I am leaving for a few months and I probably won't be coming home" and her human friends would think nothing of it.

Unless they saw her two older brothers still roaming the town. Then they would wonder what had happened and why she left. Then Damien and Stefano would have hell to pay. Because then their mother would find out she was gone and would torture both of the boys until they told her what had happened and they would have to snitch out the little sister that they loved more than anything else in the world.

He couldn't justify her loving this vampire it was immorally incorrect. It was illegal in every way. All of her morals and values will be shattered when the love of this vampire grew into its full aspect. Then she would no longer be who everyone wanted her to be. She would be the one thing everyone in her family hated. A vampire.

Would he really hate her because of a vampire? Because she becomes a vampire? He didn't hate Elisa after she was changed. But then again Elisa was not his favorite sibling either.

Maya's P.O.V.

Maya got into Damien's head. He could feel her poking around making sure he was not thinking about killing Ellie or even killing the vampire. As much as she hated vampires, this vampire was special to the one and only person that Damien would ever he admitted to love. This vampire was Ellie's vampire. It had become her everything in just hours after sparing his life.

Once inside his head she found that he was finding it hard to make the right/wrong decision and he was finding it hard to accept his sisters longing for this thing. She wanted to help him. But he had had to kill the one and only girl he was going to ever love in an intimate way. And Ellie had made him kill her.

The girl he had fallen in love with was a wolf. And as a Wolf Hunter he was required by law to kill every wolf on sight without hesitation.

But he had done exactly what Ellie had done. He had spared a wolf's life and fell in love with her almost instantly. His every instinct had fought against loving the wolf girl named Jessia Brown. But he had failed to succeed. Jessia and Damien did everything together before Ellie finally had put her foot down and ordered Jessia's death to be arranged. Though Jessia should have been absolutely furious about her mate's sister wanting her dead. But she was rather happy that she would not have to be a werewolf anymore. To her it was a relief from a life she absolutely despised. But to Damien it was his favorite sister ripping his heart out.

Maya wondered why and how her best friend was not seeking revenge on his sister. Ellie was cold hearted. Just like her mother. But she had not always been that way. She had been the nicest huntress Maya had ever met. It was after her mother ordered her twin sisters death that she became a cold hearted huntress. And now, standing there speaking with Damien, she truly wondered how someone could love a person who had ripped their heart out, refused to live the life she was born to live, and had become a cold hearted soul. How could you possibly still love someone was of this personality? To Maya it was absolutely insane.

She would never be able to love somebody who had ripped her heart out and was cold hearted and refused to let her destiny take her where she needed to go.

Ellie's P.O.V.

Standing there with Andres felt normal and it made her happy. Until she remembered they were mind-arguing. Then she was discomforted by being near him. She had be able to be near him and be able to hate him. But she couldn't. Not that it was impossible. But it was just plain wrong and she refused to do such a thing. Loving him maybe wrong and wanting him maybe worse and the hell she would pay for it from her mother was almost nothing compared to her strong desire to do exactly that. Love him. Want him. And be with him even though it broke every Law of The Hunt.

Andres' P.O.V.

She was everything he always dreamed of and everything he knew he couldn't have. He couldn't touch her the way he had just moments ago. It would be wrong. She was a pure and righteous angel and he was an impure, evil demon. The two should never be combined.

Her beauty was that of the fairest white dove, and his beastly was that of the most appalling crow. The dove is supposed to fall in love with its counterpart another beautiful dove. And a crow with a crow. And never shall the two meet until the crow comes to take away the life of the dove in which case there will be no love. Just sad sad sorrow. As for the dove's family, the family shall protect its own and kill any crow that dares to steal the egg from the nest. And the crow shall do the same with its own.

This was the way they had described the Law of the Hunt. Using animals to explain the way a relationship between a vampire and a hunter would be. If these laws were broken, both the "dove" and the "crow" would be put to death. Either burned at the stakes or bled to death. Depending on which the Order thought was more accurate to the situation. The burning at the stakes had not been used since Andres' ancestors the Salem Witches were burned.

Andres knew he could never touch her again for his sake as well as her own sake. So in order to save her, he blocked her out of his mind just seconds after she left the room and began figuring out an escape plan so he could keep it from happening again.

Stefano's P.O.V.

Damien and Maya were in one room. Doing God knows what. And Ellie and Andres were in another. Again doing God knows what. He laid on the couch waiting for someone to come out of the rooms so he could at least be sure that one of his siblings weren't doing anything inappropriate.

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