🌸 chap 1 /[revamp]\ 🌸

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"mum... Dad, I uh, have something to say." My voice comes out shaky as I take a look at my parents.

It's always scary being in their presence sometimes. But, I was doing this because I hoped that maybe something could change around us.

"Yes, Neil? What is it darling." My mum spoke up first, putting her book down on the glass coffee table. My father barely reacted to me so I ignored him for the most part.

I could feel the slight panic arising from my chest as I stood before them, my eyes stinging with oncoming tears.

My chest rose with a deep breath as I prepared for one of the hardest things I could of done. You're probably wondering what it is that I'm doing, that scares me so much.



"Neil? Y-you're joking right? You aren't... Gay." My mother said, her eyes showing disappointment in then.

I look at her as if she's insane for what she's talking about, she can't be serious can she? This is too much to handle but I can't just ignore it, or pretend none of this is happening right now.

I look at her with sad eyes, "yeah... Yeah I am. Is there.. anything w-wrong with it?." I asks.

Her eyes gloss over, a single tear running down her cheek. I could see the conflict in her eyes as she stares at me. Mouth agape, she takes a second to look over at her husband, who now had looked at me with something I didn't pick up.

"I-... Uhm, I'm sorry hun... But I can't accept you, T-this is wrong. Being gay is. wrong, and not normal."

"What? Wrong!? What's so bad about being gay? Who says?" I shout, looking at her with tears in my eyes, my chest compressed together.

"God. He says so in the bible. You know this, we've talk about this." I knew she was trying to get me to side with her. But I couldn't.

"What?" I ask. My voice raised a bit, scaring her.

"Dear. Please—" I stopped her there. I didn't want to hear any more of her wrong words about me.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I shout at her, she flinches back from me. Shrinking into herself making her look small.

"Don't talk to your mum that way, you ungrateful brat." I hear my dad hiss, I snap my head back to him and glare. "What are you looking at fag?" He ask, mockingly.

"You do not, Talk to me, you're the one who is ignoring me! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE SO MUCH, HUH!?" I shout, he stands up and walk to me.

I gulp as he approaches me, my mum stands up too, but moving away from the attention brought to me.

He gets in my face, he's red as a tamato from all the anger. he growls lightly. "Don't. You. Dare. Speak to me like that. I am YOUR father. YOU do not Speak tawords me with that type of attitude."

"Who shouldn't I? Because I'm gay? Or because you guys can't seem to accept me. I'm your fucking son."

"You're a freak, you know that right?" He said. I couldn't believe what I heard, enough was enough. I was going to get out of here. Sooner rather than later.

I try to walk around him but he grabs onto my forearm and pulls me back, throwing me into a wall.

I groan in pain and roll into my stomach, his steps are heavy on the carpet. I look up in time for him to kick me in my face, my nose breaking in the process and bleed.

My eyes water with more tears, I knew that my dad could be physical but he had never gone past a slap to the face, or shaking me around a little.

But this, this was more than I little slap. I turn to face the man of the problem.


Hello! So, here's the first process of revamping this story. I'm glad I had finally gotten around to doing it.

It's taken months and months of motivation to actually want to do this. But I'm glad I finally have. So, here's the new chapter. It's a little different but it holds the same.

Thank you to whoever has come along with me during the process of writing this the first time around. I'm glad I had support and am still getting it.

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