chapter 18

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Before the story continues... I had to share that, idk who it is but it's an app (Chai) Anyway I wanted to see what would happen, and that's what I got. but yeah... It was so random I couldn't help but share 💀😭 like wth!? It's so randomly funny for no reason at all.

And bakugou was so rude too lmao he kept saying he'd chop things off my body and use them for stuff and one of the most funny ones was;

"I'm going to chop off your fingers and use them as door stoppers"

Like LMFAOOO? dude calm tf down 💀✋so rude, and for what? And he kept calling me a boy and called me a faggot aswell 😭 I mean, he ain't wrong but dude chill.

Anyway, please continue on with the story...

The sound of light buzzing and beeping woke me up, my limbs felt heavy, like a dead weight. I went to move my arm but nothing happened, bit even a twitch.

What the hell? Why can't I move? I try again, getting the same reaction, nothing. I try opening my eyes but it's alot if energy to do so, I could hear faint talking but it was too quiet to understand. The feeling of someone next to me made me want to flinch, but I didn't move.

My muscles felt stuff and hard, the voices were becoming less quiet and less stuffy, as I could hear people talking.

"... Please, wake up. We all miss you so much and it hurts to see you like this, please, please wake up. We love you." My chest tightens at the words, my eyes feel like they're going to water but nothing comes out.

But who is it? Who loves me and misses me? I don't know the person... I don't know the people. I feel so bad.

My body feels like it's going to shut down so I let my body do as it wishes, taking me into darkness.


I wake up again, however long later, feeling more alive and less stiff then before, I try to move my hand getting a small twitch in my right pinky. my finger again, twitches, I take a deep breath and I could feel my chest moving. It felt less stuffy and more wary then before.

I go to move my hand, and it slightly lift but it feel like alot of energy, I could feel something against my hand, I shift it to feel the soft skin if someone's hand. I evolve their hand in mine, not being quiet able to squeeze it.

I heard a soft gasp and their hand squeezing mine, "Neil? Are you awake?" I heard them softly ask, I reply with a finger moving.

I heard the person shout for someone, then feet scurrying against the floor, I flinch at the loud sounds. Their are a few pairs of feet and then hands all over my body, lifting limbs and covers, beeping and buzzing.

Their voices talking over one another, "he's awake? Really? This isn't a dream, someone pinch me- ow!" They shout, a twitch to my mouth came and I felt my eyes less heavy, I blink them open seeing a white roof, I blink the blurriness away, roaming my eyes around the room.

I could see a few people in the corner, talking to one another and a few nurses and doctors. One of them sees my eyes open and gives me a small smile. She walks over to me as she places a hand in my arm.

"It's good to see you awake Mr. Amarrow, now I just need to ask a few questions before we can leave. Now any pain?" I stop for a second to see if there is any pain, I shake my head no. She nods before asking another question, "can you move your fingers and toes for me?" I wriggle my toes and then my hands, she again nods before a few more questions then she leaves with the other doctors and nurses.

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