🌸 chap 4 /[revamp]\ 🌸

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Hey guys! New chapter finally done :) anyway just a small warning about a panic attack later on in the chapter.

This whole chapter is basically different from before so... It fits the story better I'm hoping and it doesn't make me want to throw myself to the moon. I hope this makes you feel like reading instead of cringing every 5 seconds.

I was sitting on a chair with the three eldest men, sat on the king bed Infront of me, in an intense conversation that I couldn't be bothered listening to, that I probably didn't have too cause they're whispering.

I hadn't gotten the chance to really look at them.

My eyes landed on tye first, he had a tight black shirt on that showed his muscles. He had a tattoo going along his right arm- that was pretty cool- and he had a nice face structure with brownish curly hair, perfect tanned skin and nice blue eyes that looked like the water from the beach, that the sun would make sparkle.

I looked over to grey next, his hair was also curly but more then tyes', his jawline was pretty sharp aswell. My eyes fell onto his chest and over his stomach, he had nice looking muscles and perfect body. He has grey eyes that look like the moon, with Sunkissed tanned skin.

Then I looked over at Harvey, and he was... Already looking at me, with that smirk on his face. He chuckled lightly causing the other two men to look up, with questioning eyes Making Harvey laugh more, and my face was still red.

I looked at him still, he had a huge grin on his face that streached from ear to ear. His glasses were almost falling of his nose, and his hair was messy but in that good way, like he just had sex.

"Ok right then, Neil... We have what we will do," I look up from observing Harvey and stare at the two.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"We have decided that for next week, you'll have to do the dishes." My heart was racing, and when I heard what they were going to give me, I let out a relieved breath.

But I soon realised what he said and groaned, falling back into the chair further.

"Nooo." I whine, giving them puppy eyes, "why?" I asked.

They gave me a look, and I just stared at the three of them with my arms crossed.

"You should be happy we're not doing anything worse about it. But, we also need you to give us the... Substance. And all of it." Tye gave me a stern look.

I sighed, and sat up further in the chair I was placed in. I crossed my arms, both my hands clenched in my lap. They were definitely gonna be pissed with how much weed I had hidden.

The door opened and a boy walks in, about to speak when he notices me, he gives me a smile and turned to the three men and motions for one of them to come out.

Harvey was the one to leave, and closed the door behind them.

The other two looked at me, I could feel my hands clamming up and my heart beating erratically. I could feel my throat close up, and my breath hitch.

"Neil? Are you okay? There's no need to be so worried." Grey said, his voise sounded like he was talking down a tunnel.

I barely heard his words, slowly, I could feel my fingers start to tingle and I felt my eyes prick with on-coming tears.

"Neil? Tye, I think he's having a panic attac—!" The words cut off as I start to fade. I couldn't hear anything other than static buzzing in my ears.

My chest heaved with sobs, as I choked on my own breath, this was one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had.

There were warm hands on my arm, not shaking me but just holding me. I could feel myself slowly start to come back, it was a slow process that had maybe taken 15 minutes.

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