chapter 12

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[One week earlier]

I was in the car with Harvey driving and sandy in the back with Cole, me in the passenger seat. We were on our way to the hospital to see rue.

I wanted to also see Elijah, he said that we could come visit them and I had to take the chance to see my old friend.

It was about a 30 minute drive to the hospital from here, we had gotten up around 5 in the morning, and now it was almost 6:30, we left about 10 minutes ago and we were on the highway. Cole was on his phone doing whatever he was doing, and sandy was looking out the window.

There was light music coming through the speakers, connected from my phone on Bluetooth, Harvey was humming too it as I had my eyes closed.

There was a few cars passing by us, some of them speeding a little faster then the normal speed.

I rested my head on the window, trying to sleep, it was too early to be awake right now.

After a while I finally fell asleep, when I felt a soft hand on my thigh.


"Hey, Neil, wake up. We're here." I felt someone shaking me, I groan opening my eyes. I look around me and se that we're at the hospital.

I sit up and unbuckle the seat belt. I was a bit nervous but exited I could see my friend and his... Friend, whatever they are.

Cole grabs my hand giving it a squeeze, I give him a tired smile as we walk up to the entrance, the sliding doors open and we walk up to the counter. Harvey talks to the recipient lady and we are given patient stickers to stick on our shirts.

"Right down the hall, turn to your left and then room number 351." We nod and walk down the halls. Once we get to the room I nock on the door, I heard light footsteps and elijah comes around the door. Once he sees me he smiles and runs to me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Oh god, it's good too see you again." He says, his voice muffled  from my shirt. I tighten my arms around him, taking a deep breath.

"It's good to see you too." I say back, pulling him away from arms length, he smiles at me and I give him one back. "Let's go in." He nods and pulls me in, not forgetting to say hi to the others.

Once we're in the room I see rue on the bed, he was asleep. Elijah goes and sits down at the chair that's next to his bed.

"He's been out for a while, they had him in surgery when he came here. The knife wasn't too deep, but it did only just graze his kidney. So that's good." He says, looking at rue the whole time.

I nod at his words, frowning. That wasn't good, I didn't know rue but he must be really important to Elijah, they seemed really close. I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating, they looked like a good couple.

Just the thought of them dating had my stomach churning, why? It's not like I care.. I don't.

I'm not jelous either, I don't care if they're dating, it's not my life or my concern. They can do whatever they want to do.

"I'm ad you came, I was starting to go insane, staying here alone. No one else is going to come, it's great to see you." I zone back in, nodding at Elijah's words. Really, it was great to see him again. And I also hope I get to know rue aswell. He seems like a really nice person.

The fact that Elijah's parents had gotten so bad since I left, I knew they weren't like this when I was hanging around him at his house. They were the nicest people I know but I guess that changes, expecially since I was thrown out by my parents when I came out to them. I don't get homophobic people, what's people's sexuality a got to do with them? So what if your gay, lesbian, pan or any other? Just because you don't like what they like, doesen't mean you can just decide they aren't worth your love. It's not a desease.

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