alternative ending

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What you all have been waiting for. You all will love me for this, and if you have cried because of how my book actually ended, I'm super sorry. And I am a bitch, yes, I know.

I love you all so much and I didn't give you all what you wanted, so I'm hoping this makes it up to youuuu,

You won't be disappointed, hopefully 👀

[After chapter 19]

It was a few weeks after what happened between me and Arlo on the couch, and everytime I met his gaze, I would always look away blushing as he smirked at me.

He was crazy, and I hoped no one else knows of what happened because it would kill me. And that would be an eternity of reading that I didn't want to put up with.

Through out the few days, I've been having wierd dreams, but seemed so real that I could almost feel them.

They always had to do with me and someone from the house or all of us, it was like memories? I don't know, they just seemed so real it had me waking up with killed headaches all the time.

I didn't want to bother anyone with it since they would just blow it off like nothing. So that's what I did, so everynight I'd have a dream or vision, the dream/vision would always be me, and someone else or a few of us.

They would range from one thing to another, some of them were small parts of it and some where alot, the big ones usually happened rarely, but those small ones were always there.

It ranged from just small talks to intemensy, to shouting or things we'd do out. Hanging out with one another, watching movies or playing video games.

Or even just being with one another and no talking, those small ones always felt the most precious to me and felt more and more closer to the heart then anything else.

I was always exited to see what else would come to me, even if I had to deal with beaches in the morning, but I'd eventually get over it and wake with the pain.

Remembering was so much better. Even if it meant having to fake it, and pretend I have no idea about it. Whenever I remember something, my life becomes more clear and such more of a completed puzzle that I had been trying to figure out for too long.

Fitting right into place everyday, more and more. And once I'm done, I'll always surprise them with the big picture.

They deserve happiness, even if I can't right now. I'll ruin it and it breaks my heart when I get all those longing looks from them. If they don't know what I know, then I don't know what they know.

Right? Of course, it was easy. Just play along with it and hope for the best. One day at a time is always there. They will be there for me, always.


It's been about two months since I've stopped getting those dreams, now my whole life feel so much more real and complete, my puzzle is finally finished. I hadn't gotten the courage to let it all out yet, and I feel super bad about it.

Everyone really is trying to give me more memories, but they don't feel as real as the ones I do have, the ones we all share and know. They're complete and full of love and life. Nothing I'd ever forget (pun intended).

These fake ones aren't enough for me, and now that I have my confidence, I need to tell everyone before it's too late.

So, today I had the greatest idea to make a picnic for everyone and take them all out. And when we're there, I'll tell them. I know that they'd be shocked and yeah, probably a little mad that I kept if from them for so long I just need them to know.

If I had told them earlier this would all be so much better, I would feel sane and happy again. Everything would be back to normal and everyone would be so much more brighter and happy.

I grabbed some foods and drinks to take, I also made up a few different types of sandwiches and cut them up. I even went out later last night to grab some other stuff. Everything was perfect and ready to go.

All of the stuff was packed and set in the Esky, waiting for everyone. I walked over to the loungeroom and tired to hide my smile, they all looked so happy.

"Guys. Let's go out." I said, they all turned their heads to me with questioning looks. "Get up you fat lumps." I walked off to the kitchen as they all got up, grumbling about something.

"Where we going?" Cole asked as he stood next to me. Peering to see what I was holding, I pushed his chest a bit with a chuckle.

"You'll see." I said, walking out if the door. There was a small park about 5 minutes away from us, there was also alot of open grass so I could just do it on there. Everyone joined me and we were off, sir cut infont and took ahold of my hand, squeezing it lightly.

A small smile fell onto my face as we walked. Once we got to the park I walked over to the clearing closer to a bunch of trees for shade. I placed everything down and put down a blanket for the food to sit on.

Once it was all done everyone sat down, they all grabbed food and started talking. Sometimes if just nod and smile at everyone, a small conversation here and there. After an hour I decided I'd let them all know.

My hands started to sweat and go clammy as I held them together. I glanced at everyone and they were all watching me. "So, there was a reason I decided to take you all out here today." I finally spoke up, hoping my voice wasn't quite.

"Yeah?" Sir asked, worry in his eyes as he held my hands.

My body was hunched over and I kept my head down, trying to hide my half smile half worried look.

"I..." My voice wobbled slightly as I spoke, I took a deep breath and just let my words out, "I remember." Holding my breath and squeezing my eyes not daring to look at anyone.

No one spoke and the air was thick, you could cut it with a knife it was so hard. Sir squeezed my hands harder in his and ran his thumb over the back of my right hand.

"Remember? What do you mean by that?" He asks, I look up slightly and everyone has curious looks plasters on their faces as they watch me.

"I.. remember, you know... Everything, about before I lost my memories...." I spoke slowly.

Sirs hand stopped moving, frozen in place and I waited for something, anything and just as I was about to speak again arms wrapped around me and he buried his head into the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath as he silently cried into me.

My arms wrapped around his middle and I looked atoeveryone else, they all had huge smiles on the faces and I motioned for them all to come closer, everyone moved so quick as we all hugged.

"Oh god, I can't believe it." Sir said, his arms tightened around me as he spoke. I patted his back and I could feel everyone whispering and silently crying.

I had the guest smile on my face as I snuggled closer to everyone as they all talked to one another. Everything was back to the same, and I felt complete again.

I felt whole and new, my life seemed normal again an I could shake off all the negative and now be happy that I had the all for me, and that we all can love again.

"I love you all."

"We love you too."

Everyone spoke, and we all laughed together.

Fuck.... I hated that, it was so cringe and now I just wanna cry. Anyway I hope you all liked that and now you can stop crying. Love y'all. Ahah <33

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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