"I'd love nothing more" - Narcissa Black

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You and Narcissa are both 5th year Slytherins and best friends.

(I am aware that Narcissa wouldn't look like the above photo as a 5th year but she's so pretty so you all can just be blessed with the image regardless)


"Merlin Slughorn can just go on and on" Narcissa said with a groan. You smiled at your friend, she had a point considering Potions class was meant to be over thirty minutes prior.

You both walked side by side on the way to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Soo..." you ask, "has Malfoy asked you to the ball yet?" You'd had a crush on your friend since third year and so had that smug blond Lucius. You'd been hoping he hadn't asked her but you couldn't help but tease her regardless.

"He has actually. This morning in Charms" she says with a sigh.

Your heart sank. "Well what did you say?"

"I..I said I'd think about it..." she said a little uncomfortably. Looking anywhere but at you.

"Why'd you say that? I thought you liked him? What's there to think about? you don't have a date yet..."

She doesn't anything just continues to walk so you place a hand on her forearm and spin her to face you.
"Cissa what's up?" You ask, concern lacing your tone. It wasn't like your usually confident friend to be acting like this.

She just sighed "are you going to the ball?"

"Of course I am, we bought our dresses together last week at hogmeade did we not?"  You reply.

"Well who are you going with? Who's your date Y/n?"

"Nobody has asked me yet, I reckon Avery might but if not I'll just go solo" you reply with a shrug.

"Oh okay" she continues walking to the great hall.

You're left standing there confused. What had you done? Your friend went inside so you jogged to catch up. You took your usual spot on her right and you both ate in silence for the most part.

Once you'd both finished Narcissa told you she was going to the library to study for the upcoming transfiguration exam.

"I'll meet you there in an hour, okay?" You ask. "I've just got to do a couple of things"

She smiles a sad smile and walks off.

Something was obviously up with your friend but you couldn't place it. If there was somebody who could help it'd have to be Andromeda you decide. quickly setting out to find your friends older sister.

After checking the common room, the room of requirement and the quidditch pitch you finally spot the older slytherin lying under an oak tree by the black lake.

Checking your watch you see it's nearly time to meet Narcissa so you jog over to Andy.

"Hey Y/n how's it going?" The older girl asks.

"Hey Andy, I'm going alright.. well.. not exactly, I have a question.." you say slightly out of breath.

"Shoot away"

"It's about Narcissa, she's been acting a bit off is she alright?" You ask.

"Off? How so?"

"Well I was teasing her earlier. Asking if Malfoy had asked her to the Yule ball yet and she completely closed up. She said yes but didn't seem that happy about it. Then started asking me questions to change the topic"

She looked at you with a smirk. "Huh I wonder why that might be...Hmm... let me think" she furrowed her brow pretending to think hard. Before snapping her fingers and in a voice thick with sarcasm said "oh I got it! Perhaps Because the person she actually wants to ask her to the ball hasn't asked her."

"I thought she had a thing for Malfoy..." you say confused.

"Ha! She'd like you to think that, no she's actually got it bad for another Slytherin"

"Who? Avery?" You asked. Then in a disgusted tone "don't tell me it's Rosier.."

"No and no"



"Who then?" You ask exasperated.

"You really don't know??"

You shook your head.

The older Slytherin sighed, "right here's your chance to redeem yourself. Have a look around you, name every Slytherin you see"

You look around, you notice two ravenclaws, and a hufflepuff. You look again.

"You and I are the only Slytherins I see" you say finally.

"My point exactly" says the older Slytherin. "Now you best get going. Go find her and talk to her."

You're confused for a time before it all comes to you.

"She likes me?" You ask.

"Gee took you long enough! Now get going" Andy chuckles.

You glance at your watch, you're already five minutes later than you said you'd be.

"Thanks Andy!" You call over your shoulder jogging off in the direction of the library.

You finally make it, you stand for a minute to catch your breath before walking inside and spotting your friend in the far corner, Lucius sitting beside her.

As you get closer you hear Lucius ask. "So is it a yes? If not I need to know now so I can ask out somebody else if I must."

"Well I uhh.." Narcissa falters.

You cut in quickly with an exaggerated whispered "Narcissa a word please" that earns you a death stare from the librarian.

Your friend looks happy to see you, Lucius not so much.

"Of course, Lucius I'll just be a moment" she says before standing up as you semi drag her behind a library shelf.

"What's all this about?"she asks you. "I mean I'm glad you came when you came because I was not looking forward to answering Lucius" she admits with a small smile that doesn't quite meet her eyes.

"Narcissa I'm a fool, I'm incredibly sorry for being so stupid..." you take her hand in yours. And she looks into your eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Narcissa will you go to the ball with me, will you be my date?"

The grin that splits through her perfect features caused your heart to race.
"As In your date date? Not just your friend date?"

"As in my date date" you reply.

"I'd love nothing more" she admits squeezing your hand.

You both smile at each other for a time before you add. "We might have to tell Lucius you've already got a date."

She giggles "yes we better go do that."

You both walk over to the smug blond not bothering to let go of the others hand.

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