I love you - Helen McCrory

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"You know you don't have to do that right?" She asks you taking your hand in hers.

"What do you mean?" You ask her.

"You do have to do it but you don't have to do it tonight, you've done enough for now, come to bed." She says.

You look up at Helen and see she's very sleepy. "Just one more paragraph and then I'll come up okay? You go up and get ready for bed, I'll be up shortly."

She nods and gives you a tired smile before heading for the stairs.

You turn back to your work, you had to write a report based on some research you'd just undergone for work but she was right, it didn't have to be done tonight. You were more than half way done and it wasn't due in for two more weeks. You quickly finished the sentence you'd been  working on, save it and turn off you laptop.

You walk up the stairs to Helens room. You opened the door and see that she's reading, she offers you a pleased but tired smile and then turns back to her book.

You grab your pyjamas and head into the ensuite to take a shower, you dry off quickly get changed, brushed your teeth and walk over to her, sitting beside her on your side of the bed. She marks her page with a bookmark and curls into your side.

"Hi love" you say with a slight chuckle.

She smiles up at you and cuddles further into you. She's adorable when she's tired, not to say she isn't always but there's probably a few other words you'd use when she's not, namely stunning, beautiful, and gorgeous.

You gave a soft kiss on her forehead. You reach over and flick off the lamp plunges you both into darkness until your eyes begin to adjust.

"I've been thinking" she says, barely stifling a yawn.


"Us" she says. "I know that you're here quite a bit uhh.. I was wondering if you'd move in with me? Permanently."

You lean forward and kiss her softly on the lips "I'd love that" you say.

She grins at you, kisses you once more and then you both scoot down and settle in for the night.

"I love you Helen." You say.

"I love you too my dear" she replies her voice muffled as she's buried her face into the crook of your neck.

You feel her breathing even out as she falls asleep, you gently stroke her back and fell yourself falling asleep as well.

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