"Join me?" - Polly Gray

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Just a little comfort one-shot.


"I don't know y/n it feels like I put everything into the company, my heart, my soul, it all and what do I get in return? My ungrateful prick of a nephew going behind my back every chance he gets." She sighs loudly and takes a swig of her drink before placing down on the counter a little harder than necessary, She continues on "This company would've gone under a long time ago without me, the least he could do is give me a heads up on his plans before a bunch of coppers come knocking at my doorstep, Christ!"

You stand up and make your way behind Polly, massaging her shoulders. "You're right Pol, without you they'd have gone under no less than 20 times in the last six months."

She chuckles softly at that.

"Come on" you say. "Let me run you a bath, you've had a big day."

She downs the last of her drink and stands up. You take her hand and lead her to your shared room.

Pointing to the bed you instruct her to sit, "I'll be right back"

You walk into the adjoined ensuite and begin to run a bath. Once you're satisfied that the water is hot enough you add some lavender to the water and make your way back out to Polly.

She's picked up a book whilst you were setting up the bath but puts it down when she sees your back flashing you a soft smile.

"Come darling" you beckon her.

She follows you and when you've made it to the bathroom, you go to leave but she places her hand on your wrist.

"Join me?" She asks.

"Sure" you nod. It was highly unusual for Polly to ask you to join her in the bath unless she was in one of those moods. Taking a hot bath was something she generally did alone to clear her head and for her to ask you to stay meant she clearly needed the comfort more than she was letting on.

Polly had a way about hiding her, what she deemed, 'unpleasant feelings' behind a seemingly frustrated and somewhat angry exterior. This made it difficult to know whether after a rough day she needed someone to be her sounding board to rant at and to then be left alone or whether she needed to someone to hold her and reassure her.

It seems today was the latter. You begun to unbutton your blouse and she did the same. Once both of your clothes had piled on the floor you stepped into the tub wincing slightly at the hot water that hit your cold body but relaxing into it regardless. You held your arms out to Polly and she seemed grateful that you were going to hold her, despite generally enjoying being the "big spoon" after a rough day with Tommy, or any of the boys really, she needed the roles reversed.

She stepped into the water, humming softly at the warmth before sitting between your legs and resting her head on your chest. Your ran your fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes.

"You know..." she mumbled softly. "I reckon that I should just tell Tommy that I'm taking three months off."

"They'd be begging you to come back in less than two weeks."

"'Mhm exactly." She says. "And then I'd make sure to be not come back until a week after they asked me to, until they're completely up to their shoulders in mess. See if they appreciate me enough to not go behind my back then"

You chuckled softly kissing her forehead. "Oh but Pol then you'd have to deal with all of that mess when you got back."

She sighed "you're right" she chuckled, "you have to admit it'd be rather amusing coming back and seeing them all running around like headless chooks"

"You're not wrong darling" you chuckle at the thought.

You're both quiet for a time and the water has begun to go cold.

"Let's go to bed, it's getting chilly" you say.

She nods and stands getting out of the tub, offering you her hand so you don't slip.

Once you're both out and towel dried you make your both make your way into your shared bedroom and put on pyjamas before hopping into bed.

"Night Pol" you say as you switch off the bedside light.

"Night sweetheart" she says in response her voice already filled with sleep.

You wrap your arms around her and she held onto you tightly. Minutes passed and as your heard her breathing even out you allowed yourself to drift off as well.


I don't know if this makes any sense. I'm in a weird state, I've been sick and stuck in my bedroom the past 4 days and it's driving me insane.

I swear all I've done besides being sick is sleep and read Polly Gray fanfic which is definitely not a bad way to spend ur time but i think I've read just about every fanfic from every site and now apparently because being sick has turned me into more of an emotional mess than usual I'm sobbing because one of the fics wrote her name as Polly Gary and for some reason that typo has made me unbelievably sad. Honestly wtf is wrong with me??

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