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mum, am i adopted? - tommy
*silence*... yeah - tommys mum
oh.. - tommy


nice uterus, bruv - tommy
..that was rude - connor


fish are fvcking weird dude, maybe its the fact that.. that they dont have d1cks


..bloop - tubbo


i suffer from success


im really fvckin scared of chickens


have a carrot, please, calm yourself


wink and run boys, wink and run


tubbo! - tommy
yeahh! - tubbo
tubbo! - tommy
no. - tubbo
*tubbo left the game*


welcome guys, to another episode of skywars. today im going to spend 10 minutes talking about boring school stuff and still somehow get an absurd amount of views and talk super fast. lets kill some nerds! -tommy voice overing a techno video


drista dont do drvgs - tommy
how to sex 3...? - drista
NOOO - tommy


were you born before or after april 9th, 2004? - tommy
before. - ranboo
so youre younger than me? :D - tommy
no, that means im older. - ranboo
aahhhh why am i still the youngest?? - tommy


what is marriage fraud? - tubbo
marriage fraud is when two men, two women, two shit, anyone gets married. and then they fall apart and then the other one, listen tubbo, the other one probably owns a knife or some shit. and then they go and rob a bank together as frauds. - tommy


you know im rainophobic? i see rain, and i cant stop insulting it.


everyone is out looking for women, meanwhile im still on drugs. :/


good news i got ya a girl, bad news shes american


chat i will always be here


so your mums not dying - wilbur
well she could be.. i havent asked.. - tommy


why dont we just sit down, calm down, over a nice bowl of fetish


techno, if this is what ive become, then i dont wanna be me anymore..


you know when your mum gives you a gift that you already have on Christmas morning and you have to pretend to be really really grateful and its the hardest thing ever.


im hd bitch!!


i might just kill hbomb. - tommy
merry Christmas *gives tommy pigstep* - hbomb
i will not kill hbomb. - tommy


hes not busy, hes dead


i cant believe i just made a joke about your girlfriend dying and got away with it. (tommy to lazarbeam)


even though youre australian, thank you (tommy to lazarbeam)


im in the fucking ground bitch!


ITS CHUNKYYYY!! (tommy when he drank from a partly frozen fanta.)


babies be like: yo i came out of the verjinia (tommy in how to sex 2)


dont have sex with terrorists (tommy in how to sex 2)


just killed a woman, feeling good






wilby i-
did you just call me wilby?? - wilbur


where is FOOT


you fvcked up for the last time dream

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