Chapter Thirty Seven

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Olivia Thorne

The next morning I woke up to a weight on top of me while my hair was being brushed off of my face.

The touch, his touch was soft and gentle making me both shiver from contact and feel warm as waves of heat washed over my skin.

"I saw that cute smile Livi" he says, and I open my eyes stretching out to alleviate the tension from sleep.

"I think I made the devil whipped" I confess giving him a wry teasing smile.

"Really, is that what you think" Adrian muses lowering his face to the point that our noses were touching and the air we breathed was shared.

He was so close, so dark and beautiful like a wolf, powerful, and hypnotic making my heart quicken, as his thunderstorm grey eyes looked into mine their golden ring making them look like there was fire in them stark against the near black shade that was more pronounced.

"Your eyes are dilated" he says somehow getting closer to me without having our lips touch.

"You're teasing me, and that always happens when you do this".

"Just admiring my gorgeous girlfriend" he replied silkily.

My breathing hitched and I know he heard it.

"Whatever you're doing decide now before I make the choice for you" I warn knowing there was a hairpin trigger between my emotions clouding my judgement.

"So demanding bellissima, but as you wish" he simpers before pressing his lips against mine, and on instinct one hand finds his hair while the other grips his strong back.

The kiss is like warm honey, sweet and soft yet the warm passion in it would be impossible to miss, and I was being devoured by it, each one feeling like an ocean that I got closer and closer to slipping permanently under.

All of a sudden the door all but flies open revealling Riley with a Cheshire cat grin on his face.

"Wake the fuck up" he says before colliding with a glare from Adrian, "oh, am I interrupting".

"Close the fucking door Niles" Adrian glowered, before Riley quickly did what he asked.

"Eighteen years and you still can scare them in line" I laugh, as Adrian rolls over to sit on the side of the bed.

"I'm unpredictable, and they can't differ my lies and truths".

"You mean your empty threats" I

"Some are empty" Adrian replies with a devilish smirk, "also I am going to have a shower, god only knows what the boys will want to do" he adds sighing and running a hand through his already messy hair.

"I'll go try to figure out the answer to that" I say pushing off the blanket that covered my side of the bed.

"Do me a favour and punch Riley in the shoulder for me" Adrian says before closing the door to the bathroom.

Getting off the bed I crossed the room to the closet and putting on leggings, and long sleeved over sized grey ribbed shirt before taking a hair clip out of the bathroom, and attempting to collect my hair into a semi manageable arrangement on the back of my head.

Walking out of the bedroom I went downstairs to find Hunter and Riley being shooed out of the kitchen by Nico, and Kate.

"Clearing out the idiots" I muse getting to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah they were trying to steal food" Kate says getting out eight plates and setting them on the counter.

"I just wanted bacon" Riley protests and I roll my eyes.

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