Today was the day that Adrian and I would be going out to Derbyshire to visit his grandparents at there massive estate which had been the original house of the Winters Family but of course had been renovated.
After enough time I had actually recognized the home to be very similar to the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, which originally had been the home of the Vanderbilt Family who still owned it.
As we pulled up to the gate that let us into long driveway up along the snowy pine lined road with the bricking being covered by a white speckled frosting. Through the trees I could see the lake that sat at the bottom of the cliff bank that the manor had been built on. It was older tan brown stone with grey marble corner bricking, and a black tiles roof. It seemed to almost emanate and surely surpass the French contemporary styling it seemed to have been designed after.
The same crisp blanket of snow that was atop all the surrounding trees crowned the manor in an almost coincidental fashion considering the name of the family that resided inside of it.
When Adrian got to the top and pulled around to pull along the side the grandiose front steps of the mansion that much like our own seemed to be the crowning jewel of the area that it was in, as if proclaiming to everyone else in Derbyshire that it was the king and would not be outdone, not that it easily could, the home was a little over eighteen thousand square metres and boasted the same ornately large open room style as Adrian's but I also knew that one floor was the equivalent of our entire houses floorplan.
The Rolls Royce Phantom stopped and the sharply dressed driver got out before opening the back door to let us out.
Climbing out of the back of the cream coloured seats along with Adrian. Both of us were dressed in knee length over coats to escape the frigid cold wind that blew past us like a gale.
Looking up at the house where I could see the glass panes lined by thick velvet blue curtains which actually made me momentarily wonder if blue had been the Winters family original colour.
Pulling my attention away from the home, my eyes landed on where his grandparents walked down the recently shovelled steps to meet us.
"Welcome, it's good to see you both again" Adrian's grandpa says spreading his arms in a welcoming gesture.
"It's good to see you too grandpa" Adrian smiles embracing his grandpa, and a small part of me pricked at the idea of the two being more similar then Adrian was to his dad though I also believe more then anything that my favourite raven haired person was a male copy of his mom with his dad's temper which is not a unfamiliar description that has been given by both Adrian and other members of the group.
"So what have you both been up to these past few days?" he asked.
"Oh just a little bit of shopping, mostly relaxing at home, the charity event was the only other time we actually went into public" Adrian says as all four of us ascend the steps to the front patio before walking inside the entryway of the home striking me with the smell of a candle somewhere in the home.
There was also this welcoming feeling to the high arched ceilings along with the portrait of the current Winters Family and I could easily spot Adrian in it because he had been the only one painted in black, and well it was also my boyfriend and I could recognize him easily.
"We had to get pictures of Adrian and Kate in order to do that portrait then there is Nicholas, and you" his Grandma says looking over at me.
"I like it" I say looking back at the portrait from her.
"They made my nose too narrow, I look snobbish" Adrian mutters as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You look fine" his grandma says with a laugh, "such a perfectionist".

The Billionaire CEO
Romance{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and grown after it's full reset. But some are jealous, and power hungry to take power or weasel their way in. Twenty-three year old CEO Adrian...