The flight back to New York was long, and almost seemed slow, but everyone was tired from the previous day and it was rather clear no one had slept, not even me, who had taken the liberty of making sure everyone was comfy on the flight home while I did work through my laptop.
It was weird knowing the same person I gave so much power was also the person who tried to kill me though I didn't know why, I provided a major lifestyle for Victor and his family, yet none the less this is how it all turned out.
"You're thinking about something what is it?" Nico asks walking into the meeting room on my plane, while rubbing his eyes, before sitting in one of the chairs, as I looked up at him over my steepled fingers.
"Victor Rivers" I mutter, my icy tone not lost on me.
"He's in jail mate, well until the trial then he'll go to prison".
"I'm subjecting his son to the same shit I went through, growing up without a father fucking sucks".
"Victor's son's name is Payton correct?" Nico asks, and I nod, "Payton will be able to see his dad just not in the way he may want" he adds letting out a sigh.
"What would you do Nico, about all of this?" I ask looking back at the black wood grain table and running my finger along the natural weave of what had once been a very large tree.
"Send him to jail for a double sentence, when he gets out in what fifty years he can see his kid".
"Victor will be in his eighties, Payton will have kids, maybe a grandkid, if that's the case" I point out.
"And then he'll get to see what happened because of his actions, and in the end he will still get to occasionally keep up with his life" Nico says.
"If I could go back ten years and change that night I would" I state looking up at Nico, "if I could get them to stay home to not go out, or to take a different route home, I wish they never died. New York doesn't need another depressed as fuck rich kid, yes the public doesn't know that it's how it goes, I don't want that for Payton, and I don't want Leila to have to raise a child alone".
"Adrian, she will find someone over time, to be a step father for Payton, that boy will also remember you, and Olivia, you need to know that because I know the boys won't want to see you go into another pit of self deprivation of morality" Nico says flatly and as one of the only people to actively be blunt about how things are to my face I have always respected him for it.
"Alright, just know I will at least make their lives cushy" I say.
"Define cushy?".
"Three million a year".
"Jesus" Nico breathes.
"Yeah that was the point, they can live anywhere they want, I won't deny them compensation, for Victor losing his job" I say.
"You know you're a good guy, don't let you're caring side make you feel guilty" he says before walking out as Stephanie's voice comes through the intercom.
"We're coming in to land, all passengers please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts".
Standing I walked away to my seat as the plane began to gently come down to land.
Also when I found out they had all not just emergency flew but flew commercially just because the plane wouldn't be ready in time was actually slightly surprising since both Riley and Hunter never had travelled on anything but a private jet their whole lives.
When the plane was finally in the hanger with snow falling over JFK International we all walked down to the frosted tarmac where all our cars sat waiting for us.
Walking across the concrete to my Maybach I held the door open for Olivia who quickly slid into the car tapping the snow off her shoes before I followed after her.
"Where to Mr. Winters?" Elijah asks looking in the car mirror back at me and Olivia.
"Midtown please" I say looking out the window as the cars all moved away towards the airport gate.
As the car drove out onto the streets of Brooklyn all the vehicles moved away in different directions to go home while I mentally prepare myselft for the court hearing that will happen within the next few days which is rather unfortunate because I'd rather just have to focus on work instead of work and sitting in a courtroom for eight hours.
Choosing to ignore my thoughts I turned my focus onto the New York lights around me, shining over the cars, and highlighting all the snow that was lightly falling from the air.
Eventually the car pulled into my garage and parked befire me and Olivia got out, after thanking Elijah.
We both then walked over to the elevator, and got inside before heading up to the top floor.
I actually liked that this wasn't the tallest residential building in NYC, it didn't tower high over everything around it at least not compared to Central Park Tower or 432 Park Avenue.
The doors opened a moment later and Olivia and I walked out kicking off our shoes and gravitating towards the living room while I walked into the kitchen to make myself vanilla milk.
"Adrian, how are you managing all of this?" Olivia asks as I walk back into the room and sit down on the Piano bench.
"I'm getting though it, I'm also sorry for scaring you, I never want to see you cry because you're worried for me, not when I'm so close and can't touch you, when I can't hold you" I say looking over at her while cradling the glass I held.
"I just don't like seeing you in a hospital bed" she admits standing and walking over to me before sitting down in front of me.
"And I don't like making you worried, though I would take a bullet for you as proven" I laugh.
"You're the most important person in the whole world to me Adrian".
"I can't say the same" I exhale and she shoots me a sad look, before I give her a soft smile" because when you're around all I see is you bellissima, you are my world why do you think I nearly ran into you, you were all I saw in a crowd of four hundred people".
"Where do you come up with these things?" she asks returning my smile before I pull her into my lap close enough that our noses touch.
"The place where no one else can have or take from me, my heart, and my soul are yours. People say don't base your happiness on someone but it's impossible, you are everything I wanted but more then that you were who I needed, no one else gets my love just every flawless part of you" I say cupping her face.
"But no one is flawless".
"But you're flawless to me, always will be".
"You're such a flirt".
"Yet I'm not going to give you black and white statements, I think people have an idea of love and it's limits, but that's only because it's unexplainable when experienced".
"Can you try to explain how you feel about me?" me she asks intrigue lining her voice.
"Not with words, there isn't any that could begin to make it comprehendible", she then nods but doesn't look away from my eyes.
"Then how would you?".
As a response I slowly leaned forward until our lips connected and I gently kissed her because this is how I would describe my love for her gentle, and soft. She was my angel and I was never going to let go of her, ever.
It's short ugh, I hate short chapters but tomorrow's should be longer it usually is as I have more time to work on it as I try to get these up in the 7 o'clock range, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways

The Billionaire CEO
Romance{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and grown after it's full reset. But some are jealous, and power hungry to take power or weasel their way in. Twenty-three year old CEO Adrian...