The plane landed at ten thirty in Cannes. The jet was then directed into a hanger, and a debarking ramp was brought over for us to get off the large 777X.
"So what car will we be travelling in Adrian?" Olivia asks as we walked out of the door.
"I just told them to surprise me with a vehicle" I say walking down the steps.
Getting to the bottom I scanned around the plane when I heard an engine and glanced over to see a dark navy blue Bugatti Veyron Grandsport Vitesse being parked.
"Here you are Mr. Winters" the man who had been driving it said any my few bodyguards walked around the vehicle searching it for any bombs or things that could cause Olivia and I harm, while two armed bodyguards stood flanking me and Olivia.
I would admit one of the things I excelled at were intimidating people whether through my presence or the sharply dressed and armed PPO's I surrounded myself with though the news article of me saving Olivia from her ex seven years ago is still a circulated story, and I let it along with a few others to remind people that I am far from the fragile boy I used to be when I came back from the Rosenburg Institute near the age of fourteen.
"Get in the other vehicles and be discreet please I don't want to scare the French" I say pulling the door of the car and sliding into the front seat before putting the key in the ignition, and starting the powerful engine behind my head.
"I remember why I bought these cars" I laugh purposely revving the car and appreciating the lack of a rev limiter.
Olivia then got into the passenger side and buckled her seat as I turned the car around and headed towards the gate so that we could spend the day in Cannes.
As we drove through the streets I noticed several other cars around the city and I wouldn't really be surprised if many of the ultra wealthy people who travelled to southern France to enter Monaco lived in the surrounding cities, like here.
I wouldn't mind having a house here, there all beautiful and large while still keeping a classic Mediterranean theme, but I know for a fact I own too many so it would have to be in Olivia's name though we share homes.
"What is the first thing you want to do in Cannes bellissima?" I ask.
"Well there are lots of stores so what about that".
"Shopping spree on your birthday alright" I say pulling out my phone and typing in mall to find where the nearest one was.
Turning the car I began driving through the streets glancing occasionally at my phone so that I wouldn't miss a turn or an exit.
Getting to the mall I parked the car, and we both got out and headed towards the mall.
As we walked through the mall some people recognized us others too I recognized as you don't get through business without having people you know and work with on the regular, even as a multi trillion dollar corporation Winters Group doesn't escape that.
"Tiffany and Co" Olivia says and I turn to see the logo of a store I visited merely month prior for a very specific item for her but I will give it to her near Christmas.
"Sparkly things" I muse as we walked into the store and I wouldn't deny it jewelry was fascinating to me the artistry of it was something that perplexed me and was likely part of my want to create a jewelry store chain in nearly every major city I knew of.
"Diamonds" Olivia added before I lightly laughed and began looking at the watch selection that they had though I didn't really wear Tiffany & Co watches.
That was also because I had more refined taste in the single form of jewelry I wore ignoring of course the Armani bracelet Olivia bought me and I haven't taken off unless to clean it.

The Billionaire CEO
Romantizm{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and grown after it's full reset. But some are jealous, and power hungry to take power or weasel their way in. Twenty-three year old CEO Adrian...