Chapter 5

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I finished the line up for basketball and gave the clipboard to Derek. The team finished their warm ups and we all went to the sidelines. Derek told them each where to go. We watched the game and it was really good. The guys won and Greyson went with his team to get pizza. Derek and I went outside.

"So that was a fun game" I said

"Yeah it was" he smiled

"Do you have work tomorrow" I asked

"Yeah, you" he asked

"Yeah. I have to work a 30 hour shift" I said

"What. Why" he asked

"I don't know. It's a new rule. I did 80 when I was an intern" I smiled

"Yeah I remember that" he smiled

"If I wasn't married. This would've been amazing" he sighed as we walked to his car

"I know it would" I said

"Have a good rest of your life" I said

Ugh I wanted him so bad. I started walking away

"Hey Mer" he said

I turned around and looked at him

"Thanks for today" he said

"Yeah no problem" I said

I turned back around and went to my car. I drove home and got ready for the night. I feel asleep and it felt beautiful.

Derek's POV

I woke up early in the morning. This woman's crazy. Her hormones are out of control. We had sex like every second of the night. I'm scared. My dick is about to fall off. I got up slowly and went over to my dresser. I grabbed some clothes and left the room. I went to the downstairs bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried off and put gel into my hair. I put my clothes on. I'm a man whore. I keep thinking about Meredith every time my wife and I have sex. Fuck. I left my phone upstairs. I went up and went into the room. Rose was on my phone

"Hey honey I have to go to work" I said walking over to her

I leaned down and grabbed my phone. I kissed her lips.

"I love you" she whispered

"You too" I said

I left the room and went back downstairs. I went to the door and grabbed my coat. I walked out to this freezing cold day

Meredith's POV

I got up and quickly got ready. I went downstairs and grabbed a banana. I grabbed my coat and left the house. I went to my car and ate my banana as I drove to the hospital. I parked and looked over at the person who pulled in next to me. Great. It's Derek. This day is going to be a shit show. I have to be here for 30 hours. I got out of the car and he got out of his too.

"Stop" I said as he followed here

"I brought you some coffee. Your favorite" he said handing me a cup

I sighed and grabbed it.

"Thanks" I said

"So how long are you working again" he asked

"Thirty hours" I said

"Oh damn right I forgot" he said as we walked into the hospital

"Yeah it's going to be long but I'm ready for it. I love surgery" I smiled

"Yeah well if you aren't busy tonight I would love for you to scrub into my surgery. You can learn a lot from neuro" he said

"Yeah I've been thinking about doing general and neuro" I said

"Yeah you told me a little while ago" he said

"Oh" I smiled

"Well let me know if you interested, could be a great learning opportunity" he said walking away.

I drank my coffee and threw it away.

Hour 1

I ran to my patient. He went into cardiac arrest. The nurse started cpr. We brought him to the OR and was able to resuscitate him. We started on the surgery. His organs were failing.

Hour 6

We were able to put a heart into him. It was perfect. I made it from my 3-D printer that is going to change the face of medicine. I made it. I fucking made it from scratch. It's working perfectly somehow. It's pumping blood throughout the body. I just have no idea how long it would last. I scrubbed out and went to Derek's surgery. I scrubbed in and walked through the doors

"Grey you're late. I had someone take your spot" he said as I got my gown on

"April scrub out. Let Dr. Grey take over" he said looking up at me.

The nurse put my gloves on. I went over to Derek and he handed me the endoscope.

"Have a look" he said

I looked down and saw the tumor.

"Wow" I said as I smiled through my mask

"Amazing isn't it" he said

I gave him the endoscope

Hour 13

He clipped onto the tumor and I grabbed the other side of the endoscope.

"Slowly" he said

We slowly started taking the tumor out cautiously

Hour 14

The tumor was out and the patient was okay. Everyone started cheering.

"I didn't want to tell you but this tumor was on the edge of going down to his spinal cord. It was right in between the pons and medulla. I didn't want to make you nervous. Good job" he said

I was so excited. I've done this before but not like this. The patient was brought to the icu. Derek and I scrubbed out.

"I have to take a break" I said leaving the scrub room.

I went to an on call room and shut the door. I laid down onto the bed. I shut my eyes and heard the door open. It shut and I looked at him. He walked over to me and laid behind me. He put his arm over my waist

"You know you're still on call right" he smiled

"I don't care" I smiled

"We can still be friends" he said

"Yeah friends is- good" I said

He buried his head into my back. I felt something poking me.

"Hey friends don't do that" I smiled

"Sorry" he mumbled

I'm literally in this nursing class about old ppl and it's kicking my ass😭

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