Chapter 37

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I pulled my blanket from my chest up to my neck.

"Who are you" I said

He turned to look at me.

"Greyson" I smiled

He smiled back at me. He has a beard and he grew his hair out. I couldn't recognize him until I got a closer look. Derek came out of the bathroom. He was wearing boxers and he was drying his hair with a towel. He walked over and put his clothes on

"What is going on" I asked

"We're going fishing" Derek said

Literally what. Why are- ugh.

"What" I said

"I told him to come up because you were sleeping and I wanted to surprise you because he's in town for a little bit" he said

"Yeah. I haven't even seen my cousins since they were born" Greyson said

I looked at Derek

"Hey Greyson could you go into the bathroom for a minute" he said

Greyson looked at him and then me. He nodded. He got up and went to the bathroom. I took my blanket off and got up

"You're so sexy" he smiled

"Shut up" I laughed as I put my clothes on.

"He's been so excited to meet them" he said

"I know. I want them to meet him too. They're almost one so hopefully they'll remember him" I said

Greyson came out 10 minutes later with a shaved face.

"Lookin good my man" Derek said

"Are you guys ready to go" I asked

"Hell yeah" Greyson said

We left and went to the car because Derek drove it over this morning. We drove home and walked in. Lexie was holding Liam when we opened the door. She looked at us and her jaw was pretty much wide open.

"Hi" Greyson said

"Lexie" I said

She snapped out of it

"Hi" she said

She put liam down.

"Liam. Atlas" I said

They walked over to me

"This is Greyson" I said

"Hi guys" he said bending down

Atlas gave him a little spaceship that he was playing with. Derek, Lexie, and I went to the kitchen

"Who is that" she asked

"My nephew" Derek said

"Don't get any ideas" I smiled

"I won't" she smiled

"Hey is it okay if we take them fishing. I just got them both fishing poles" he asked

"Yeah go ahead" I said

He went over to the living room.

"I need to ask you something" I said to Lexie

"What is it" she asked

"I'm thinking about switching to neuro instead of general surgery. Do you think that's a good idea" I asked

"There's two reasons. Me and Derek" she smiled

"True" I smiled

"But honestly I think you should because it's really fun. Plus I know how much you love working inside of brains and if you tell Derek. He'd be really happy" she said

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