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"Listen (Y/n), I am very disappointed in you."

"Mum! I told you, it was an accident, I'm sorry, alright!"

"Your father and I expect more from you. You're already a grown adult."


''(Y/n)! Get back here, right instant!''

(Y/n) sighed as she stomped her feet back to her room and slammed her door shut. She didn't have all day to listen to her mum's ramblings. After all, she did apologized to her. She still have that common decency, duh.

Recently, (Y/n) went to the Mall to do some quick shopping. It was lunch time so it made sense that the street will be pack with lots of people doing their own thing. Then there was (Y/n), who was rushing to catch up with the cab. The coffee shop she went previously had a long que so it delayed her order. If she knew things will turn out like this, she wouldn't have ordered that damn iced coffee in the first place.

As she was speed walking, she bumped someone on the shoulder, which caused her coffee to spill at the person, right on their Gucci fur coat. Great. This lady absolutely looked furious. Listen, (Y/n) was meant to apologize when this lady immediately yelled straight to her face. That flipped (Y/n) out. She wasn't gonna have any of it, not as she also saw her cab left her. Reminder, it was again, a busy street.

(Y/n) immediately pushed her to the ground, throwing hands while shouting indecent words right to her face. She did not care about all the people around them. All she did was standing up for herself and not letting other people messed up her pride, even if those people were older than her. I'll teach you not to mess up with me, you old hag.

Things however, did not turn out well. This lady was apparently a legal officer. Shit.

Just as she dreaded, one day, (Y/n) was being issued a notice by the police. As much as she wanted to escape from this, she knew she will get into more trouble if she did not turn up, so she did. After further investigations, turns out that she was being charged with a case of assault. There was a summon to appear before the court to settle the dispute between her and the 'victim.'

Her parents were enraged when they found out.

She was a daughter of two business cooperates in the city and their names were known all over by the people. It was absolutely horrifying when they found out that their daughter had done something bad again, but this was the worst of them all. So when the Court had granted her a release on bail - it was all thanks to her parents. They wanted her to resolve the case quickly.

To sum up, that's the incident which lead to her parents' disappointment. Her younger brother was tired of her shit so he decided to ignore her.

Things was about to change her whole life when her mother came to her room and thought it was a very good idea to send her away as a detention.

''Pack up.''

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''This is your own consequences, (Y/n). We had enough of you.''

Eyes wide, (Y/n) still could not fathom what her mother just said to her.

Minutes ago, she was laying on her bed and mindlessly texting on her phone when her mother knocked her door and entered her room. She had a stern look on her face. Now, (Y/n) could tell if her mother was still disappointed with the recent thing that happened to her. It was understandable. However, nothing has prepared her on what her mother decided to tell her next.

''Your father and I decided to send you away. It's your detention.''

'' What-''

She instantly sat up on her bed, phone long forgotten.

'' What are you talking about, Mum?''

'' You're going to the country side to work there. Your father found a little farm company. ''

This has gone too far, she thought.

She shouted, '' This is clearly abuse!''

Her mother sighed heavily, already expecting this from the start.

''(Y/n), for how long have you been like this?''

Her mother really looked serious about it, no doubt. It's all on her face. She was not joking at all.

(Y/n) eyes slowly became teary as she glared at her mother. She was very angry and upset at them for making this decision without asking her first. God knows what will happen if she opened her mouth that instant.

However, at some point, her mother was right. (Y/n) knew she was a troublemaker from the start. As oppose to her brother who was well-behaved and striving in life, she never went to college and had no job to support her own self. Basically, she's been living out of her parents' money all these times.

''This will teach you how to behave and act like a decent human for once.''

''Next time, think before you do anything.''

''You leave me no choice, (Y/n).''

''The cab will be arriving next Monday, you better pack up.''

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Standing outside her house with a large luggage, a bag pack and a suitcase in hand, (Y/n) still couldn't believe that her parents would do this to their own daughter.

What's worst was that her father didn't even bother to send her off. He was busy at work and her brother just left her a text message which annoyed the hell out of her.

''Bye, I guess, have fun- I won't miss you.''

She replied him, ''fuck off-''

She instantly blocked his number. When she saw her family group, she was also pissed off at both of her parents. Fuck it, I'll block them too. There. She closed her phone, stomping on her shoes as she waited for the taxi to arrive.

A notification appeared and she swiped her phone.

''I'm sorry I can't join you :(''

(Y/n)'s heart broke. It's her text from her boyfriend.

''It's okay, I will miss you :( Please wait for me to come back.''

An instant reply.

''Of course, take care of yourself, (Y/n) I'll text you everyday <3 ''

Her heart swelled. Her boyfriend was so sweet and understanding. Though, she did wish that he could join her but it couldn't be help, he has a job after all. She sighed. Well, at least her phone did not get taken away.


Annoyed, she turned around as her mother called for her.

''Remember, behave yourself once you reach there. The Moomins was just an acquaintance of your father. We don't know them well.''

She rolled her eyes then hummed to show agreement.

Her mother sighed. She began to worry about (Y/n).

Not long afterwards, a yellow cab arrived outside of their gate. The driver then went out to help with her belongings.

This is it, she thought.

As (Y/n) was about to enter the cab, her mother suddenly pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. At that very moment, she swore her emotions were acting up. She wanted to cry.

Hold it in, idiot.

''This is for your own good, (Y/n).''

With hurt buried inside her, she entered the cab and refused to look back. The car drifted away, her mother's silhouette becoming smaller in a distant.

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