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''Well, what did you expect?'' Snufkin raised his eyebrows.

(Y/n) randomly visited Snufkin at his work site. She covered her nose as the unpleasant smell filled up her nose. Next time she went here, she had to bring a mask along. It nearly made her gagged as she saw all the dead fishes along the way.

''I'm bored-''

''Don't you have work to do?''

''Well- I decided to take a break-''

She swung her legs back and forth at the dock as she stared the sea below her. There weren't any fishes so she didn't get why Snufkin was casting his fishing rod.

Snufkin looked at her weirdly.

''Won't you get into trouble?''

''I should be fine, it's not that I skipped anyway-''

He wanted to reply something to that, but decided not to.

''...Cut to the chase, what do you want from me?''

Shit, he knew something was up.

There was a long silence. Snufkin won't say anything until she speaks up.

''I was wondering if you can drive me back home.''


''C'mon! I'll pay you!''

''You know, money isn't always the solution to everything..''

She groaned.

''It's my boyfriend's birthday..'', she pouted, ''and I wanted to go see him..''

Snufkin sighed.

''Then why don't you get the bus or taxi?''

''Well- uh- I'm not sure if I had the guts to go back here late alone and..''


''What's that?''

''..I'm starting to tr-''

(Y/n) didn't noticed he was leaning until she turned her head.

What the fuck-

His head was close. Her eyes widen by surprise.

She shoved him away.


Snufkin was lying on his back after (Y/n) pushed him.

''What was that for??!''

''You're too close, idiot!''

Honestly, ever since (Y/n) began to bother him, she can never tell what was in his mind. The guy always seemed so laid back and reserved, yet, sometimes his actions were completely unpredictable.

He looked up to her and squinted his eyes.

''That's because you were whispering, you fool.''

He sat on his back and rubbed his nose.

(Y/n) felt bad for overreacting.

''..I said I'm starting to trust you.''

It was embarrassingly true. Apart from My and Moomin, Snufkin was also one of the people that she began to trust, especially after that night when he apologized to her. Even though she would find them annoying, they were still bearable. He was also the same age as hers so she found that it's easier to talk to him.

Caught in your net (Snufkin x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now