The Tale of Cupid

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Back in the dark ages of Greese, I was nothing more than a simple flower girl. My family and I were florists that owned the most popular flower shop in all the land. People of all ages would come to visit our lovely establishment, and regardless of class, we welcomed them with open arms.

Flowers were a sign of love, and not just the romantic kind, as many say. It can symbol friendship or the bond between a mother and child. You can even buy yourself a flower, as a sign of self-worth. I made sure to read these hints carefully and find ways to put them into practice in my everyday life. This was my life's purpose, and my contribution to humanity.

"Lady (name)! Lady (name)!" A young man calls for my attention.

"Oh! Hello, Adonis," I curtsey, "what may I help you with? Is there a certain flower you'd like me to fetch for?"

"No.." Adonis answered lowly, "the only flower I'm interested in.." he gently lifts my hand to his lips, and kisses it, " you~"

"O-oh, my!"

Ah, right...Not to brag, but the flower shop wasn't the only thing that was popular. I was only 16 years old and I was considered the most beautiful woman in all of Greese, according to my parents. I had suiters, much to my father's dismay, lining up for a chance at my hand in marriage. A flattering and romantic offer, yes, but it's not a commitment I was ready for. I mean, could you blame me? I had a huge pot to fill if I am to run the family business, when I'm older. Also, many of the suiters were older men, MUCH older men. Heh, no thanks.

"Lady (name)?" A little girl tugs at my dress. A girl I knew as Acantha.

"Yes, my darling," I crouch to her level, "what can I do for~ you!" I booped her tiny nose.

A sweet giggle escapes her lips as she swung her body left to right. "Can I go flower picking with you some time?"

Some other children overheard and came rushing to us with the same request.

"Can I come, too?"

"Me too!"

"I wanna go!"

"Take me with you! Pleeeaase?"

Now I couldn't say no to these sweet, innocent faces. "Hmmm~..Well, all right." They cheered as I lead them to the flowery meadows, a smile plastered on my face.

I may have been popular with the men, but I also had the same effect on young children. To me, they were the best company to have. Children showed the most love towards anything and everything. And that's I admired most about them. They saw me as their big sister and I saw them like my own family as well. We would play in the bright, grassy fields, pick the most beautiful flowers and make them into crowns and garlands. Those moments were the highlights of my life...

"*cough, cough*!"

One day..I felt very ill. Nowadays, you could pinpoint the disease as Typhoid fever. But since I was one of the most earliest cases, there was no hope for me. Every day, leading up to my death, everyone came to say their goodbyes to me, each of them bringing me my favorite flower: (fav. flower). They were so thoughtful, but I will never forget my last's goodbye..

"Lady (name)?"

"...Acantha-- *cough, cough*!" I couldn't imagine the horror she was seeing. Me; bedridden and covered in red rashes, my cheekbones more prominent due to the lack of appetite and nausea, and my voice was as raspy as a witch. I looked like the living dead. "I'm sorry, you had to see me like-- *COUGH, cough* this..."

Little Acantha shook her head, "Don't be, you're still the most beautiful person to me.. I  just..*sniff* I hate to see you suffering."

I saw the tears falling down her rosy cheeks, the quiver in her lips trying to speak. It had brought me more pain than this plague had ever could. "Oh, Canthy...please, d-don't cry.." In that moment, I could feel my eyes start to water.

She came closer to my bedside, her flower in her soft hands. "Here, I p-picked this out- *sniff* for you.." Acantha presented me my favorite flower, but this one was of different color. I had never seen one like it in all my life.


"I knew you'd like it.." she fixes up my hair and slides the stem into my greasy locks. "Now.. you look just like goddess."

We both shared a loving smile as I reach my weak hand to her face, the life fading from my eyes. "Th-thank you, Acantha..*inhale- cough!*  but, can I asked you to do me a favor, before you go."


"Love, is a powerful thing...cherish it.. Share it.. Never let yourself, or anyone, take it-- *COUGH COUGH!* for granted...promise me that, okay?"

"You- *sniff*.. you have my word.."

"Good....I love you, very much, Canthy..and everyone.. never forget ....that........."

Then, it all went dark...I figured that that was the end of my tale. But, I guess I was wrong. The night after I had passed, my body felt light as a feather. Like, I was being lifted into the skies. Heaven? Perhaps.

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the full moon. So bright it was blinding! I then felt something heavy on my back. When I turned my head, I saw a pair of angel wings! They were flaping!

"Gyah!!" I started to panic and completely lost my balance. I fell flat on a healthy meadow, full of flowers I recognized but couldn't remember their names. When I saw them, all I could say was, "Beautiful.."

*Indeed, they are..* a voice spoke.

"Wha- who's there?!" I frantically looked around, "And who are you?!"

*There's no need to be afraid...I am the Man in the Moon...but you can call me: Manny.*

I gaze my sights above to the moon, still confused as to what's going on.

"Please," I begged the moon, "if you know, tell me. Who am I? What am I? I need to know."

"You, my dear, are (Name) the Cupid...and you have been chosen.."

"Chosen? Chosen for what?"

" the new guardian.."

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