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As North gave the big announcement, the yetis began to start a whole fanfare with fire staffs, music, and giving me ceremonial gifts. In the moment, I was still trying to process what had just been said to me. I looked back at the real guardians and they were happy about this, except for Bunny, and (name) who looke more sad than anything. North was handed a giant book and before he could read it, I stuck my staff onto the floor creating a strong gust of cold wind to push everyone away. They all stopped and stared at me in shock.

"What make you think I want to be a guardian?"

A small awkward silence, then North burst into laughter, "..of course you do. MUSIC-!"

"No. NO music!" I halted them before starting again. "This is all very flattering, but, uh, you don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowballs and fun times. I'm not a guardian." I explained and Bunny agreed.

"Yeah. That exactly what I said."

Then Tooth came up to me, "Jack, I don't think you understand what it is we do." She leads my attention to the humongous globe behind me, that had specks of glowing lights gathered or spread apart. "Each of those lights is a child."

"A child who believes," North joined in," and good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them."

"Ah. Ah."

"Tooth! Fingers out of mouth." He says after realizing she was messing with my teeth again.

"Oh, sorry. They're beautiful."

"Okay, no more wishy-washy. Pitch is out doing who knows what!"

I chuckled, "you mean the Boogeyman?"

"Yes," (name) spoke assertively. "When Pitch threatens us, he's a danger to the children as well."

"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified." I walked away.

"Pick? You think we pick? No, you were chosen! Like we were all chosen. By Man in Moon." North motioned to the opened widow above and where the moon shined through."


"Last night, Frost, Manny chose you as the new guardian."

"Maybe," Bunny slipped in.

I looked up and back at group. "Man in the Moon.. He talks to you?"

"Wait, you mean he didn't--" (name) started, but I couldn't hear her as North cut in again.

"You see, you cannot say no. It is destiny."

A new stir of emotions kicked in with this new revelation. All this time, "but why wouldn't he tell me that himself?" I sighed, aggravated, "after 300 years this us his answer? To spend eternity like you guys, cooped up in some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids? No, no. That's not for me! No offense."

Bunny did take offense. "How us that not offensive? You know what I think? I think we just dogged a bullet." He said to everyone. "I mean, what's this clown know about bringing joy to children anyway?"

I smirked at him, "uhm, you ever hear of a Snow Day? I know it's no hard-boiled egg, but kids like what I do."

"But none of them believe in you do they?"

"Bunny, cool it."

"You see, your invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist- ow! (Name)!"

"I warned you." Cupid said to him. And I noticed Bunny pulling off a long, white feather with a sharp end. "I'm sorry about him-"

"No, the kangaroo's right." I waved my hand.

"The what? What did you call me? I'm not a kangaroo, mate." He threateningly walked closer.

"Oh, and this whole time I thought you were. If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?"

"I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me."


The two glared at each other as their dispute creating uncomfortable tension in the room. Sandman blew a breath and tapped on North's leg, signaling him to do something.

"Jack, walk with me." He requested and Frost followed.

Once they were out of sight, I flicked another feather at Bunny. He yelped, "Ow! (Name), again!"

"What the hell is your problem?" I scolded him, "we are facing a crisis, children are in danger, and you're pushing away the one person we may need to help fight Pitch!"

My feathers were ruffled even more now, making myself look bigger and more threatening. Bunny didn't seemed fazed though.

"You don't know him like I do, sheila. He's nothing but a troublemaker."

Tooth tried to get between us, "guys, please, there's no need for more arguing-"

"I don't need to know him to read his heart. He's a good soul and he does care for the kids. I can tell."


"Yeah, and you're just as sure like you were with Pitch." Everyone's eyes widen at his words and gasped. But I didn't gasp for that reason. Bunny reached his hand out to me, "(Name), forgive me-"

"Quiet.." I raised my finger to him.


"I said quiet, you Aussie!.."

I closed my eyes as I tried to pick up the chill that crawled up my spine a second ago. One of my feathers, out there, was trembling. It was the one I left in Tooth Palace. Something was wrong. Then I felt something- no, someone grabbed it. Rough and boney fingers caressed it and I heard a voice.

"Well, well, well...where have I seen this before~?" No, not him! "I know you can hear me, my dear... Did you miss me~?... Heheheh, might want to hurry. Things are only just beginning--"

"AAAGGHHH!!" I screamed in pain, falling to the floor and panting after. "...Αυτος ο κοπανος! *That bastard!*"

"(Name), what's wrong?!" Tooth knelt down for me and gasped again. "You're bleeding.."

I looked over and under my right wing. It was bleeding from where that feather used to reside, crimson liquid staining my other feathers around it. I hissed, getting back up. "Pitch.. He's at Tooth Palace.."

"Oh no.."

Rise of the Guardians: Cupid's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now