Tooth Decay

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Tooth spared no time to leave the North Pole. I tried to follow but my wing felt paralyzed and I fell the moment I jumped in the air, and I fell hard.

"Arrrghh! Curse this! I can't fly!" I picked myself up again. I looked over to my remaining friends. "Bunny. Go get North, we'll need the sleigh."

"Right, but are you going to be okay?"

"Forget about me, I'll be fine! Just go!"

As Bunny hopped off in a rush Sandy grazed his fingers on my injured wing. I flinched since it felt like my nervous system there was being electrified. Though, it should heal itself on its own soon, hopefully before we get to Tooth Palace.

"READY THE SLEIGH!!" North's booming voice echoed through the workshop and quickly the yetis did as they were ordered.

"That's our cue, Sandy." I tilted my head before sprinted off.

We followed North while Frost began protesting.

"-I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some--"

"Rickety old sleigh??" I smirked.

Frost gave me a concerned look as if I was somehow able to read his mind. But his concern would quickly soon turn to awe as two yetis opened two large doors to reveal North's REAL sleigh. And it was nothing like the urban legends.

"Okay. One ride, but that's it." He said as the first to get on.

"Everyone loves the sleigh." North and I said, smiling at each other.

The rest of us get on too, except for the obvious odd man out. Of course, it was Bunny.

"Bunny, what are you waiting for?"

The rabbit man hesitantly tapped the sleigh with his foot, "I think my tunnels might be faster, mate. And..safer."

"Ugh, get in." North rolled his eyes at his cowardice and forcefully yanked him on the sleigh. "Buckle up!"

"Woah, wait. Where are the bloody seatbelts?"

"That was just expression! Are we ready?!"

"All good!" Sandy and I gave him a thumbs up and that was enough of an okay for him to crack the reins. "I'd hold onto something if I were you." I said to Frost as the reindeer pulled us into the ice tunnels.

Every time I rode on this thing with North, it would always feel like a rollercoaster. Especially with the ice that being the main reason we went so fast. The cold air aggressively slapped our face as we rode through the tunnels. Along side with our speeding reflections on the ice, we could spot yetis working on pillars that kept these same tunnels up and stable. I could see Frost was enjoying himself and having fun on the ride, while Bunny held onto the sleigh for dear life, scratching a few surfaces. I know for a fact that North won't be so happy to see those on his baby. Once we reached the ramp of the end, the sleigh was launched in the air, now flying with its own magic.


As we flew from North's workshop, I raced to the back to see the view from behind us. I looked back at everyone as I heard Bunny groan, trying to keep his lunch down. I grinned mischievously and stood on the back edge of the sleigh.

"Hey, Bunny! Checked out this view- AAAHH!" I jumped off but quickly positioned myself on the runner bottoms.

I could hear the Aussie cry out in panic to North as he look over the edge. And there he saw me, perfectly fine and still on the transport.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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