The Guardians

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That night, I was dangling upsidedown at the window of Jamie's bedroom. I watched how Jamie retold his adventure and how he lost his tooth to his little sister, Sophie. When it was time for the little boy to go to bed, his mom kissed him goodnight and took Sophie out of the room and left their dog to stay with him. I smiled at the sight but frowned when my ice began to freeze the glass pane.

Lifting myself up to the roof, I looked up at the night sky that was illuminated by the Man in the Moon. With pleading eyes, I asked him, "if there's something I'm doing wrong, can you just tell me what it is? Because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me." When I heard nothing being reciprocated, I was beginning to grow tired of lack of assistance. I glared at the moon, "you put me here. The least you can do is tell me...tell me why." And yet, still nothing. Typical.

I sighed in defeat until I saw golden light streaming from above. My frown turned up again as I pulled off my hood and marveled at the sight.

"Right on time, Sandman."


I walked within the shadows on this happy night. The Sandman had already begun spreading his dreams to the children of the night, and one in particular caught my attention. Coming out of hiding, I appeared in a room, full of pink fantasy, that belonged to a peaceful sleeping girl, dreaming about riding a majestic unicorn.

I awed, "oh, I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn. What an adorable dream!" And I lightly gasped, turning to its host, "and look at her. Precious child... So sweet. So full of hope, wonder...and love. Why, there's only one thing missing," I leaned in, getting close to the golden sand, "a touch of fear~"

I pressed my finger into the unicorn. The dream shriveled as it turn into a nightmare, becoming black sand. I grinned as I coached it to life.

"Feel your fear. Come on..come on~ that's right." The nightmare, that had taken it's form as a dark horse with golden eyes, pranced itself around me as I admired it. "Yes, what a pretty little Nightmare!.. Now, I want you to go tell the others the wait is over."

Then I sent it off. My nightmare ran out the window and into the night. Things were falling into place, and it was barely the beginning. Soon I'll have everything that was taken from me, and I mean everything.

"Don't look at me like that, old friend," I said to the moon above. "You've must have known this day would come. My Nightmares are finally ready....Are your Guardians?"


I felt a chill run up my spine as my feathers fluffed themselves out. Something didn't feel right. In fact, nothing felt right ever since hearing the terrible news. Pitch was up to something, and I'm afraid there's more than what he leads on. As Guardians, we must do whatever we can to protect the children of the world. But if Manny had to choose Jack Frost as a new member of the team, Pitch may be unbeatable without him. We needed him on our side

*Chirp, chirp*

I looked up and saw one of Tooth's baby fairies hovering in front of me. They stared at me worried and then I saw Tooth and two more fairies join us.

"Is everything okay?" She asked me, concerned.

I sighed, shaking a little, "I'd be lying if I said yes. I'm pretty on edge."

"I don't blame you. But, as a reminder, it wasn't your fault- even though we did try warn you the first time--"

"I get it, I get it..." I rolled my eyes.

"R-right, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I just... don't want to make the same mistake twice."

"Hey," Tooth reached her arm out to my shoulder and gripped it lightly. She gazed deep into my eyes as she promised me, "we won't let him near you. Okay?"

I stared back at her and only nodded with a weak smile. Then, our attention was pulled to a hole on the floor and Bunny hopped out from it. He was in charge of bringing Frost to the pole, along with two yetis North offered for assistance. Right after he appeared, a portal from one of North's snow globes appeared too, and from it, came a struggling sack and the two said yetis.

"He's here," North whispered excitedly and we all gathered close to see him.

Personally, I've never had either the pleasure, nor displeasure, of meeting this spirit, known as Jack Frost. So, you could say I was rather curious to know him. He opened the sack of the inside and then got a clear view of all of us. I could tell he was so confused to be here with all of us in the same place.

"Woah, you gotta be kidding me-", he whispered before the yetis pulled him out of the sack, and he was not comfortable with that. "Hey, hey. Put me down."

"I hope the yetis treated you well." North said to Frost, though, could he be more oblivious?

"Oh, yeah! I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." The victim answered sarcastically, to which I laughed discretely.

North smiled, "oh, good, that was my idea," as he proudly took the credit. Then he went along to do the roll call. "You know Bunny, obviously."

"Obviously," Frost repeated.

"And the Tooth Fairy-" Tooth wasted no time flying straight to Frost.

"Hello, Jack. I've heard a lot about you- and your teeth!"

"My- my what?"

"Open up! Are they really white as they say?" She intruded, prying his jaw open to see his molars. She gasped delightedly, "yes, they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow." She confirmed to her Baby Teeth as their flutter faltered at the sight of Frosta and she wiggled her finger. "Girls, pull yourselves together. Let's not disgrace the uniform."

North continued, "and Sandman...Sandy? Sandy. Wake up!" He shouted, waking the dream spirit who clearly had a busy night.

And before he could introduce me, Frost cuts in. "Hey, ho, anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?" Sandy tried to explain things to him with his thought sand, but failed. Frost smiled kindly at his attempt, "eehh, that's not really helping, but thanks, little man. I must've done something really bad to get you four together- Am I on the naughty list?" He asked jokingly.

"Ha! On naughty list? You hold record."

"And there's actually five of us." I corrected the blue hoodie. He turned around and finally acknowledged my presence and he looked pretty surprised.


I stared at this guardian, at first with surprise, but also in awe. How did I miss her? I'll admit this girl was beautiful. She had (length and color) hair with golden wreaths holding it back from her gentle face and (color) eyes. What she wore looked modern. A pink strap skirt over a black button up shirt and black net leggings and boots. Along with a very light pastel pink coat, that looked like it was made from pure wool or clouds. And what brought her silhouette all together were this guardian's angel wings. They were white and had a shimmer of varieties know: pink.

"Yes, yes!" North laughed while wrapping his arm over shoulders, "and this here is Cupid!"

"But please, call me (Name)," She insisted, "It makes things less weird for me."

"Uh- yeah. Sure. That's cool.. (Name)."

"Thank you. Now, North. As you were?"

"Of course, my dear. Jack!" The big guy turned to me again. "Don't worry about Naughty List. We overlook. Now we're wiping clean the slate."

I raised a brow, "oh yeah? How come?"

"Ah, good question." Bunny smirked, before (name) gave him a light smack.

"How come? I tell you how come! Because now, you are guardian!"

Wait what???

Rise of the Guardians: Cupid's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now