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"A fresh start

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"A fresh start.."



Two years has passed and alpha centauri had developed for sure and people had hope for the better.

Engineers and scientists were doing the best they can and people were thankful to them and of course too Anna.

Anna is 12 years old now, by age she had gotten prettier and had matured for sure. She and her twin James turned 12 about two months ago on 1st November.

Both of them had a joint party in which everyone enjoyed a lot.

At the moment Anna was in her practice room and was practicing to throw daggers. She aimed at the wall just beside the door and then threw it.

What she didn't know was her brother was coming to call her and opened the door just as she threw her dagger.

He gasped loudly as the dagger swung past him, missing him by an inch.

Anna turned around, her black straight hair which reached now till lower back , swinged as she turned.

She pushed her glasses up her nose and said anxiously,"James knock" and went to check if he was hurt.

He was still standing there shocked.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?" Asked Anna turning to overprotective mode, her face laced with worry.
James let out breath he didn't know he was holding and said," uh-huh I am alright, I didn't almost get sliced by a dagger, oh and by the way, family meeting."

Anna made a confused face, they haven't had a family meeting since..... Anna got to know about her powers.
Nevertheless she followed James to her parents.

Once they both sat down where their parents were, Anna found her parents smiling widely but she could sense some nervousness.

"Heyy um so whats up, why this family meeting out of a sudden?"Anna asked.
"We have something to tell you guys.." Aurora said.

James and Anna nodded their head simultaneously telling their mother to go on.

"You guys have seen the videos of alpha centauri. Its like a paradise and there is blue sky. Its developed now and now its time for the 24th colonist group to go. I think its time that we go but its not just my decision or Harry's so you guys think about it and tell me till tomorrow, so that I can register for the tests."

"What about our house, we grew up here?" Asked James unsure.

Now harry spoke," I know that it will be hard for all of us to leave it all behind but we all deserve better. We should be not having to live in this dying planet where we don't have fresh air to breathe. And we will have a house in alpha centauri, its a new start."

"What about my friends?"

"James you do know that some of your friends have left and I am sure you will make friends at the resolute and at alpha centauri. And you too Anna, you need to make friends."

Anna's head snapped up at the mention of her head and nodded.

"Guys listen I know its a big decision, but I assure that it will be worth it, Anna you know you worked with people for the departure of every group." Aurora stepped in.

" yea okay umm how about we both tell you till tomorrow alright." Anna said standing up. James too stood up.

" yes of course take you time."Harry said fixing his glasses on his nose.

Both the twins made an unspoken decision to talk in Anna's room.

Anna knew that James needed someone to talk to and that's what she did and was there with him. She convinced him to register for tests as it was for the better and thats what James wanted anyways, as long as he was with his family.

"Soo tell me about the girl you were talking to yesterday." Anna said smirking.

"I dont know what you are talking about."James said blushing and then looked away.

Anna giggled at her brother's flushed face," aw come on tell me you obviously like her."

"Fine fine, her name is lily, she is my classmate and a friend and yes maybe I do have a crush on her." Replied James looking down as both of them were sitting cross legged on the bed facing each other.

Both of them talked the whole night, laughing every now and then.
"Oh god its 1am, its past our bed time." Said James looking at the clock.
"Oh shit..... I want ice cream."

They both smirked at each other and quietly went down careful not to wake their parents up.

Both were sitting at the floor, their backs against the wall. Both of them eating chocolate ice cream and giggling quietly.

Suddenly a light snapped open and found their father looked down at them eyebrows raised questioningly.

Both of them looked at their father for a minute,"ice cream dad?"asked James in a high pitched voice.

"Are you kidding me.... of course" said harry in a serious tone at first then immediately changed it to a playful one and joined them at the floor to eat ice cream.

Aurora woke up and looked at the clock. It was 2am, she turned around and her face became worried when she found no presence of her husband.

She searched the living room and then went to the kitchen and then giggled at the sight of her husband and her children asleep on the floor with a bucket of empty ice cream lying next to them.

Harry was snoring slightly his head back against the wall, Anna's head on his lap her too asleep her body shrinked. James's head was on on his Harry's shoulder, and he was too snoring softly.

Aurora went back to her and brought a camera with her and clicked a picture of them. How could she not take a picture of this moment.

Aurora observed them and noticed how similar they looked to one another. She took of their glasses and put a blanket over them and went to sleep.

I loved the windsors in this chapter.
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