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"I miss you

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"I miss you.."


After hearing the plan and agreeing with it, everyone got to work. They just decided to gather resources and things they needed for the tower for the remaining day and the actual construction would be started the next day.

They all were divided into teams and had specific jobs. The day passed by in gathering necessary things from other jupiters and put up tents.

They still were in a little shortage of mylar foil so Anna suggested to get it from her jupiter as the place where it crashed was not far away.

Maureen and John were a little hesitant to send her alone at first but then agreed and insisted to taking Will with her to keep her company.

So they both set out for the jupiter 3. Will walked, staring around cautiously hoping not to find any trouble while Anna just walked carelessly knowing she would deal with any creature or problem  in the way.

Anna had still not forgotten about her dream and now was working more to take her mind off it for a while. Its has been around a week since she had lost her family and how well she had coped with it surprises Will.

A normal person would take weeks or even months to cope with the pain and go back to normal after suffering in grief. But, Anna seemed to get ahold of herself at such a young age just well.

That still didn't changes that she misses her family a lot. She would never get to see them in person again. She miss how her brother would make silly jokes to make her laugh when she was sad.

She miss watching her parents bicker playfully. She missed how her parents would hug her and tell it was all okay.

They all launched to space for a new beginning, looking forward to live happily on alpha centauri.

But that dream now have now just remained a dream.

Will and Anna reached the crashed jupiter and were fortunate enough to not find any trouble. After giving a nod to each other they slid into the jupiter from the broken door.

Both the kids entered the jupiter, cautiously and alarmed just in  case any if creature had entered in. They waited for a few minutes but heard no sound from inside so, they walked in together.

It was just as Anna had left it when she cane here with Will, John and Maureen. With a long breath, the 12 year old entered the main hub. Anna immediately got flashbacks from the day her jupiter crashed.

The blood covered, lifeless bodies of her parents and brother came to her mind, shattering her heart. They were her life and now she lost them and felt like she lost a part of herself.

She remembered how she found out her mother was dead, then her father and then her brother. She remembered how she cried over their dead bodies, shaking them, begging them to not leave her.

It took everything, not to burst into tear for Anna. Will turned his head to look at Anna and then frowned sympathetically as he saw his friend, how hurt she looked by even being here.

Anna came back to her senses when she felt someone's hand slid into her and giving it a gentle squeeze. Anna turned her head and saw Will, who was giving her sad smile.

Anna managed to give Will a weak smile in return and then they went to the garage to find the foil and other necessities they could possible want later.

No matter how much of a strong or unbothered face Anna would plaster, she knew she was not recovered from the pain yet. It would take time and she was very glad that the robinsons understood that.

She was glad to have Will by her side at the moment as her friend.

Will knew how sad he was when John left for work and he wouldn't be able to see him for months. But, at least he could talk to him and knew he was fine. He couldn't imagine how hard it must be for Anna and honestly most of the people around them couldn't too.

Anna's family wouldn't want her to mourn over them in a way she would lose herself. They would want her live her life to the fullest. Maybe they didn't get a chance to go to alpha centauri, but she did.

She wouldn't let that go to waste. Anna will always miss them and there will always be a special part in her heart for them.

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