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"When I'm alone, I think and think and think

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"When I'm alone, I think and think and think...."


The day passed by what felt like in a blink. When Will and Anna got back from the jupiter 3, it was already evening and it looked like they had gotten everything they needed.

A few tents were laid out here and there with tables where computers, monitors, radio, food and other things were kept.

By far, everything was going according to plan and the tower would be ready by tomorrow. They just had to wait until resolute would be in range and that's when the real plan would start.

It would all work out, wouldn't it?

Tomorrow would be a big day, so everyone went to sleep early as they needed energy for the next day, well almost everyone.

Anna wasn't able to sleep, its not like she didn't want to or wasn't feeling sleepy. It was that she couldn't physically sleep and something was bothering her for sure.

The biggest thing she could focus on or what was bothering her was that, would she be able to summon the light, or not? She didn't want to let everyone down.

Anna knew that was one of the worst feeling for her, not being able to do enough. But, she wanted to see beckert's shocked face when she did it.

It took her a while to put her mind to rest and finally go to sleep, she practically forced herself.

When she woke up she couldn't help but feel grateful that she slept well and didn't have any dreams. She felt energetic and was ready for the day. Anna hoped that nothing would go wrong.


The construction was going good and seemed like it was going to be finished in a while. Some weren't letting Anna lift heavy things because they didn't want Anna to drain her energy. That was ridiculous to her and didn't seem like a valid reason but nevertheless she didn't argue much and helped in what she could.

Anna was walking not really paying attention to where she was going as she was distracted by the tower. Her mind got diverted from the tower and back to her surroundings when she bumped into one of the heavy boxes, hurting her right foot.

"Son of a- rooster!" Said Anna, wincing.
"Rooster really?" Asked Will, laughing who Anna just found was standing beside the boxes, taking something out of it.

"That was the first thing that came to my mind okay!"

"We're on an alien planet, and that's the first thing that come to you mind?" Will asked amusingly.

"Yeah." Anna simply said. Will and Anna caught each other's eye and burst out laughing.

"Well at least you didn't actually say it and then got scolded." Will said once the laughter died down.
"What- you?" Asked Anna in disbelief.
"Not me, Penny."
"That does sound like her." Anna said, chuckling.

Once, they stopped laughing, they were met with a comfortable silence. Anna turned her head to look at Will, who had a troubled expression on his face.

"He'll be okay, you know." Anna said softly.
"Who? Robot?"

"I- of course he's okay, but I was actually talking about John." Will finally turned to look at Anna once she said that.
Anna continued,"He's your father Will, I'm sure he'll understand and be okay with it. You should tell him soon alright, once you fell okay about it."

"Yeah, thank you." Said Will sending Anna a smile which she gladly returned.

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