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"How was the fall ?"


I was walking down the hall way, humming to myself. I rechecked the paper in my clipboard.

It was the checklist of supplies, which I had to turn in.

I squinted my eyes as my eye caught on someone familiar, James. I darted towards him, he was looking somewhere, hiding behind a wall.

"What are you doing here?"I whispered.
"Shhh just wait."
I did as he said so.

After a minute he said,"2579."

"Okay now tell me whats going on?" I asked as he turned to me. Just as he opened his mouth to reply, he stopped and grabbed my arm, pushing me into a side and joined me.

I was about to yelp in surprise but stopped as I saw a security guard going in the opposite direction to where James was looking before.

"What the hell, could have given me a warning." I said once the guard was out of sight."and what were you looking at anyway?"

"Remember the restricted section." He whispered. I nodded, telling him to go on.

"Yeah so, on my way back to the jupiter, I saw someone going in this restricted area, well I was curious so I waited here to see whats inside and then you came and it wasn't really visible from here."

"Ok go on."

" i saw the code the man put in, so we could go see what's inside, smart right."
"Ooh, great let's go."

"Yeah where were you coming from?"
"Going to give this." I whispered showing him the clipboard.

"Why are we whispering."
"I dont know." I whispered back.

We both chuckled slightly and went to the sliding door.

James entered the code. 2579.
The door opened with a hiss. We both looked at each other and went in.

There was a metal wall type of thing with another door in it. RESTRICTED AREA , was written over it.

The room had boxes spread over the floor.

"Woah" we both said in awe.

Then I heard footsteps coming this way and I looked at James, who was looking at me back, hearing the footsteps too.

"Quick hide." I whispered, pulling James with me behind one of the boxes.

A guard came in and looked around. I snapped my fingers. The guard left the room in a hurry.

We got out from our hiding spot and sighed relieved.

"What did you do." James asked looking at me.

"A magician never tells his secret." I smirked.

"You are not a magician." He snapped."anyway let's see whats this metal thingy."

We walked towards the metal door and touched it. Our hair became static with a slight sound. We both laughed at each other's hair.

I backed off and straightened my hair, James did the same.

"The electromagnet charges from the other side of the wall-" I started.
"Must have changed the balance of the electrons on this side of the wall." James cut me off.

Again we heard footsteps coming and decided to immediately leave the room.
We got out the room and turned to the direction of our jupiter.

"Anna, James?" A familiar voice called for us.

Both of us shared a glance and turned to the person, trying not to look suspicious.

"Hello uncle Ben." We both said together and slightly hugged him in greeting.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We were just uh-"james started.

"Well I was going to turn this checklist in and I found James on my way." I said, well that was true.

"Alright I will give it, you guys can go back to your jupiter if you want." Ben said smiling.

I handed him the clipboard returning the smile.

Then a alarm started blaring.

"All resolute colonists please proceed to your assigned jupiter pods" the automated voice said.

"Okay you guys should return back now for the evacuation, your parents must be in the jupiter, I am going to check the problem." Ben said before running to check the damage.

Both of us made our way to our jupiter
Jupiter 3

Here is the next chapter.
Thank you all for reading and supporting me.<3
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LOST IN SPACE /WILL ROBINSON Where stories live. Discover now