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"We've got both dark and light inside us"

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"We've got both dark and light inside us"


I was in a very dark room and I wasn't able to see anything except darkness. I tried to summon fire in my hands so that I would be able to see something but it didn't work. I kept walking into nowhere then came a table in the view and there was book on it, it looked familiar.

I ran towards it and stopped when I reached to the table. The book lying on it was the one from our library which glowed.

I breathed sharply and touched the book's cover with my hands and it started glowing. I watched it in awe.

Then the book opened on its own. I stepped back as the pages were flipping itself, they too glowing. It stopped at a particular page. Just as I was about to see what it was, a bright light came out of from that page reaching very high.

I looked up to the light and then I saw something strange. It was like the gleaming light was showing me something. I squinted my eyes and saw myself.

The astonishing thing was that, my was looking at my hands and a ball of light between them.

The astonishing thing was that, my was looking at my hands and a ball of light between them

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Then I heard a voice and then suddenly too many voices, overlapping each other. Then it got louder and louder.

I covered my ears with my hands. I felt anxious, it felt like the room was spinning. The light coming from the book became brighter until it spread to the whole room.

Then I heard a voice which sounded a lot like,"save it." And I woke up.

Covered in sweat.

Gasping for breath.

I immediately sat up. I tried to catch my breath and ran my hands over my face trying to wipe some sweat. What could this dream mean, I thought.

I slid off the blanket off me and changed my tee as the previous one I was wearing was wet.

I was lying on the bed, awake, staring at the ceiling which had stars and constellations painted over it.

Deciding to figure out the dream and about the book in the morning, I slept.


Mom, dad, James and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast. It was incredibly quiet which was weird.
I told James about my dream and he became worried. He suggested to tell our parents.

After breakfast, we all were just sitting there in a comfortable silence. James looked at me expectantly and nodding his head towards our parents as if to say, go on tell them.

I took a deep breath, its now or never.
"Hey mum, dad uhh hypothetically, is it possible for a book to glow?"I said.

James facepalmed while mom and dad looked at me.

"I dont see how's that possible honey." Said mom.

"Ok then great."I said getting up from the table, trying to avoid the whole situation.

"Nope, you sit down here and tell them everything."said James grabbing my arm and pulling me back down to the chair.

And so I told them about what I saw in the library. My parents were shocked of course, that was expected.

"And she also had this crazy dream." Said James while I looked at him pure betrayal.

After telling them, we went to the library. They got a call from office which they had to attend. They told to wait for two minutes till then me and James just looked around out library.

"We have got both dark and light inside us." Said James reading it off a poster on the wall.

"Well too bad cause I have only got dark." I said laughing at my own silly pun. He just rolled his eyes but I saw his smiling from the corner of my eye.

After a moment I got the book out of the shelf. "Ready everyone here goes nothing." I said opening the book.

Then the strangest thing happened. The book started flipping its own pages, a bright light coming out of it. We all gasped as it stopped at one page. Just like my dream.

We bent down to look at the Page and it was "the final power holder".

We all realized that it Was about my powers.

We all seemed to be confused while I was just skimming the page.

I stopped at the part where my powers were written and saw something smudged.

"Dad look at this, there is something written."I said.

I touched the part and it glowed.
A few letters moved from the page and came to that part and settled there. It said,"light"

"Anna you also have the power of summoning light." Said dad.

I sat down on the chair, trying to take all of it in.
"Isn't she already dangerous mom?" Said James trying to lighten the mood.

"Woah okay okay I can summon light too, looks like I have got both dark and light inside of me now." I said laughing,"but why didn't I showed that power before?" I asked confused.

"Maybe you didn't know it was there. All of the other spirits came on your command, now if you do the same with light it'll come too." Said dad calming me down.

I was in my practice room, trying to summon light again and today it worked.
I started hearing voices outside the house, I went to see what was it about and saw media out of my house, asking about my new power.
How on earth do they even got know these things, I thought to myself.

What a day.

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