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The next morning, I woke up before my alarm went off and sat on the bed with my head on my palms. I hated early morning periods and that too on Monday. Tossing the woollen blanket away to inspect if there was any stain on the sheets and indeed there was a tiny drop of red blood, I let out a groan. Picking up my phone to check the time, I rose from the comfort and left the warmth of my blankets. Still having more than an hour left for my actual wake-up time, I rushed to retrieve the sanitary pads from the almirah and walked into the living room. But to my utter surprise, I wasn't alone in there. All the lights were on, and I could hear the crackling sounds of the room heater. Shifa greeted me from the sofa where she sat with a large cup of tea, the steam of it fogging on her round reading glasses and her hair was tied in a small bun over her head, loose stray of them falling over her face, she raised her book and quirked a brow. So, she really had a test and didn't just lie to her brother for my sake. Not like I wanted her to lie. The slight dampness between my thighs reminded me that I really couldn't afford to waste my time admiring her profile. Raising the corners of my lips, I gave her a curt nod and rushed to the washroom.

After being done with the business, I didn't stop in my tracks even though the sight of Shifa in overlarge glasses and strands of hair framing her face was a great temptation to halt every moment in my body and appreciate the art of the creator. My feet paused only before the kitchen and as I put on the put the water pot on gas, I turned and asked, "Test?"

Shifa looked up for a second before answering, "Exam, actually. Periods?"

I made a face, "How did you know?"

She chuckled and returned the gesture of making faces by furrowing her brows and squinting nose, with a shrug, she said, "I guessed it by your sour expressions."

I decided to let her study for her exam and turned my attention to the pot, adding some ginger and cumin seeds before pouring the water into a glass. I was going to go back to my room and drink the hot water in bed but before my feet had a chance to lift an inch, Shifa spoke again.

"Are you going to take the day off?"

Tilting my head, I narrowed my eyes in question, "Why would I?"

I watched her face twisting into a scowl and then she opened her lips in an oval shape and took a long and dramatic inhale, "Ah, you don't get cramps. I am so envious."

There was nothing funny in what she said but I still wanted to laugh. This was the first time she had initiated a conversation that didn't involve our families and even though the topic was a bit awkward to discuss, I couldn't subdue the sudden escalation of my heartbeat. I would blame my own selfishness but instead of sleeping, I wanted to sit beside her and hear her voice more. She must have been tired studying at 3 in the morning as she removed her glasses and took a sip from the cup, I stood by the kitchen counter, a little unsure what I should do. I could have gone back to my room and caught on my sleep, or I thought, I could gather some courage and take a seat on the sofa. Her anger at me had hopefully faded since she actually uttered more than two words to me. I was in a mood to check my luck with her. Taking a long breath, I nodded to myself and walked to the place she had occupied. Shifa peered at me for a tiny fraction of time and smiled with her lips closed, guessing my intention, she folded the ends of her blanket, making some more space. I sat down and for a long minute, none of us spoke. Then my eyes wandered to the opened windows and back to Shifa.

"Why are your windows open? You might catch a cold. Should I close them?"

Shifa, as if just realized that she even had windows in the living room stared at me with parted lips and shook her head, a little embarrassingly, "I keep them open while studying", she saw the look of horror on my face and added, "So I don't get too comfortable and instead of studying, fall asleep."

"What do you want to become?"

I hadn't really thought of it and the question just came out of my mouth, but I couldn't say I wasn't intrigued. She didn't strike me as a diligent student. Shifa laughed and I thought she was trying to divert the topic.

"In general? A witch."

I gawked at her, and she studiously avoided looking at me. I remembered how humiliating I had found it to admit that I wanted to be a doctor until Wahab asked. I never thought I could become one after college ended and saying my dream out loud only to know that it might never come true hurt more than anything I had ever endured. Shifa didn't know me and perhaps the reason why she avoided answering such a simple query. I decided to go with her, "Why a witch?"

"So, I could be in Hogwarts instead of being here", she grinned and raised a brow, "What about you? I think you'd be a great werewolf."

"Alright, I have no idea what Hogwarts is and why a werewolf?"

Shifa took another long sip of her tea and I of my water. She shook her head with a little sigh, "I know what we're watching next, and then you'll know what Hogwarts is," adjusting her hair which was perfectly fine, she said, "And I have always found werewolves cute."

In fear of making a fool out of myself because of her casual words, I quickly placed the glass to my lips and in haste tipped, the water, to my utter annoyance hadn't cooled down much and my tongue immediately felt numb. The sudden scream was more of a surprise to Shifa than me, who took the glass from my grip and fanned my face with her hands. I would have laughed at her stupidity if only my tongue was not in dire need of help. Sticking the muscle out, I began to do the same. Why must I be so foolish?

Then, Shifa laughed, and the tips of my ears were practically burning, "Does Wahab not flirt with you?"

I hoped with everything in my being that my face looked stern when I said, "Shut up! I burned my tongue because of you."

I watched as her laugh subdued, but her lips remained in a stretched grin, with a slow nod of the head and a quick raise of her brows, "I sincerely apologize for the evil deed I had unintentionally committed. Please, forgive me."

We stared at each other, and the burnt tongue was soon forgotten as the laughter took over. She returned the water glass to me and peeked inside, "What is that?"

"Home remedy for period cramps."

She chuckled but didn't say anything and I had already made a note to make more for her since she had the pain. The air was chilly, involuntarily I shivered and Shifa spread the blanket on my lap, too. She put back her glasses and went back to her book. I stayed there until the sound of morning prayer. Somehow, I knew that Shifa had decided to give me a chance despite my earlier harsh opinions on her which I had made very clear. And this time, I didn't plan to ruin the little step she took. 

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