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You are at a One Direction concert and you have backstage passes. 

As soon as the show is over, you run backstage with your best friend.

The boys are totally nice, but you can't help but notice Niall. You keep looking at him, and everytime that you look at him, you notice that he is looking at you, too. Sparks are flying and you feel butterflies in your stomach. When you're about to leave, you feel a hand on yours. You turn around and it is Niall's.

"Hey," he said to you.

"Hi," you responded, about to faint.

"Come with me," he responded.

He took your hand and took you onto the tourbus. As you looked around, Niall took your head in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. You felt as if you were about to explode from excitement. 

You sat down on a bench on the bus and talked, not even noticing that the boys had returned. You didn't even notice anything except Niall until you realized that the tour bus was moving.

"Um, what?" was all you could manage.

"Oh, babe, right, you wanna come on tour with us?" Niall asked you.

"Of course I do!" you cheered, knowing that you were about to have the best time of your life.


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