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A/N: This is dedicated to the fantastic @justmelexi1D... thanks for all of her support! Her stories are great, too! Go check them out :D


You are out at a club with your friends having a great time and dancing to the fantastic music. 

All of a sudden you hear a load of screams as a group of people whom you can't see walk in.

You and your friends all try to get a look but the crowd in front of you is too large to see. In front of you, however, you see a break in the crowd and someone walk through. You notice his perfect curly hair and his green eyes that make your heart melt and you are frozen. He is walking right towards you but you can't move.

He doesn't notice you until he has knocked into you and you are on the floor. 

He looks down, shocked, and reaches out his hand. You take it and pull yourself up.

"I'm so sorry, love," he says to you in a perfect British accent.

"Oh my god, you're Ha-" you respond.

"I know," he cuts you off. "And you are?"

"I'm Lexi," you smile at each other, and before you can thank him he pulls you off to the dance floor where you dance all night.

When the club is about to close you feel so sad that you might never see him again, but as you start to say goodbye, Harry pulls you in for a kiss and don't stop for a long time. It was the most magical kiss ever.

Harry then adds his phone number into your phone and you go.

When you get back home it says that you have a new text from Harry. You click on it and your heart leaps. It reads, "Lexi, be my girlfriend?" 

You immediately respond "of course!" and it is official.

You can't contain your excitment as you realize that one of the world's largest celebrity is now your boyfriend.

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