Chapter 10

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Yeji excused herself when she saw her father and the waiter in the restaurant guided me inside after taking our order.

Is she scared of him?

I remember Yeji saying she lives in the apartment because she wants to be away from her parents.

She looks scared earlier. I can't help but be worried.

Should I go to her?

I was about to get up until I saw the waiter approaching the table with our order.

"Excuse me," I said while she's putting some food on the table. "Here's the payment."

She looks confused. "Okay, I'll be back for the change."

"If we can't come back in an hour, it's okay. Just keep the change." I told her.

"What about the food?"

"If we can come back, we'll eat the food." I told the waiter. "If no, please it the food with the others. There's just an emergency."

I didn't even waited for the reply of the waiter and rushed outside.

And then I saw Yeji.


No, actually she wasn't crying loudly.

It's as if she don't want the tears to fall but it betrayed her.

So I went beside her. I didn't utter a word or what. Instead I patted her back and gave her my handkerchief.

I didn't ask if she's okay, because obviously, she's not.

And that's when I heard her small cries. The cries that maybe she's been trying to hide since earlier.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked her.

Yeji just nodded as response to me.

But then again I remember we went here walking.

"Should we just take a cab so it'll be fast?" I asked. "Or if you want I can get my car from the apartment and-"

"Ryujin." Yeji called.


"Let's just walk." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes." She just answered. "Can you.." She started. Unsure if she should continue.


"Can you hold my hand?" She finally asked. "If you're not okay with it, it's fine-"

She didn't finished what she's saying because I didn't let her.

I held her hand and intertwined it with mine.

"Shall we?" I asked and she just smiled and nodded.

That's when I thought that maybe,

Maybe walking wasn't a bad idea.

Even if it could take us minutes. Or even hours.

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