Chapter 21

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The cafe date with Lia and Chaeryeong didn't took a lot of time. It was short since I was already kinda late. 

But it was still fun. Catching up with them and telling them common stories. Well, most of the stories were them revealing how frustrated they were giving advice to us.  

How Yeji was always asking for advice to Lia when it's about me. And Chaeryeong saying we were just the same. 

"How's your day?" I asked Yeji. 

We're currently at our living room, just sitting down and doing nothing. Again, even if we do nothing, there was some comfort. The feeling of calmness and warmth. 

"Seminars. Nothing new." She answered. "You?"

"Just work. We're still in the process of preparation for the big project. The one I presented to you and your dad."

"You'll do great there, babe. I know." She said and went closer to me. Leaning her head on my shoulders which of course, I allowed her to do. 



"Is it okay if we'll keep everything a secret first? You know, in the company.. and to my parents." She asked. "I still don't know how to open this relationship up to them." 

I smiled. 

This was something I expected to happen. She isn't just a simple employee at the company. She is the CEO's daughter so I had already prepared myself. And that's fine. As long as we're together.

Having a secret relationship was never my thing. 

Private relationship is.

But I respect Yeji's situation why we have to keep everything a secret first. Well, basically, to her side only.

It will never be a problem to me to bring her to my province and introduce her to my family. 

"It's fine." I responded to her and traced her face with my thumb. "We can take things slow."

"Thanks." Yeji uttered and looked at me with a smile. "Dad's acting weird lately actually."


"He keeps on asking if I'm seeing someone." She mumbled. "I just.. told him not to pry since I'm already doing what he wants which is being the inheritor for the company."

I was scared for a moment. 

"Does he know we're living together?" I asked Yeji. 

"No.." She whispered. "But they know I'm living at an apartment."

"Well.. technically we're roommates. So if they knew, we have an excuse." I said to lighten up the mood and so she chuckled.

I know Yeji's scared of her parents. And I am, as well.

So I held her hand and intertwined it with mine. 

"Are you scared?" I asked.

"I'm lying if I say I'm not." Yeji replied. "It's the first time he asked about something related to my relationship. So it was strange for me."

"Maybe he's just curious." I said trying to ease the nervousness of Yeji. "We're just starting our relationship, babe. Let's not be scared."

"Sorry." She said. "I've gone on dates before, but this is the first time I've made a serious commitment. I just.. I just think about us on a long term point of view."

I smiled. "I also think about this on a long term perspective." I said and patted her hair that made it kinda messy. "Let's sleep?" I asked. 

"Together?" Her eyes sparkled. "I haven't gone to your room."

I chuckled. 

"My room then."

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