Chapter 13

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"Are you ready?" Ms. Yoon asked.

I arrived at work at 7 am since my presentation to the company's CEO was scheduled around 11 am. This report proposal has already been approved, so I actually don't have to be worried. The CEO simply wants me to go through the specifics with him once more. But, still, it makes me anxious. He's the CEO after all.

Ms. Yoon and I are already in the conference room waiting for the CEO to arrive.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied. "Just nervous." I honestly said.

"You'll do well. You're the best engineer of our department." She assured. "The CEO and his daughter will be listening."

"His daughter?" I asked. I didn't know his daughter will be with him. "By the way, how do I address him again? I didn't heard much from the CEO's background. Last time when he visited the room while I was presenting, I only addressed him as 'sir'."

"Mr. Hwang. And yes, his daughter." She replied. "That's actually the main reason why we have to do this presentation. Mr. Hwang wants to show some of the basic information and projects to his daughter. She'll be the inheritor in a few more years too, so. And he's really amazed with your presentation so he said he wants you to be the one to present."

"Should I be nervous?"

"I don't think so." Ms. Yoon assured. "He's actually not the type of person who goes over everything that's why we don't see him much, right? So, the fact that he wanted you to present this again in front of him means he thinks highly of you."

"Who's going to be there, ma'am?"

"Just you, me, Mr. Hwang, and his daughter." She replied.

"I haven't seen her daughter yet." I said. "Does she work here?"

"What do you mean you haven't?" Ms. Yoon asked me. "She was there during your presentation before. The proposal before this one. I think that was three months ago? Yeah."

"Really? The company is big after all. I'm worried I may have walked right past her without a proper greeting."

Ma'am Yoon was in disbelief. "She said she knows you."

"She knows me?" I asked in a confused manner.

"Yes." She said. "She also mentioned you a lot of times to me already. I actually thought you're friends."

"I don't have close friends here, ma'am. You know that. Maybe we got along during some projects. What's her name?"

"I don't think you have already worked with her. And I don't think it's just because you got along. I'm pretty sure the way she ask and tell things about you seems like you're close." She said. "You really don't know her? Hwang-"

She wasn't able to continue because a knock was then heard in the conference room we were staying. 

I fixed my suit and stood up. I also inhaled and exhaled to ease myself from nervousness.

Ms. Yoon and I both went to the door to say our greetings to the CEO and his daughter.

"Good day, Mr. Hwang." We both said and bowed our heads to show respect.

"Yes. Good day to the both of you too." He greeted us and smiled. "Let's go inside. My daughter takes a long time to get ready. Apologies." He said. "Yeji, faster. They're waiting." He called.


Same name, maybe.

"Sorry." I heard a familiar woman speak. "It's been a while, Ms. Yoon." 

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