estranged reconciliation

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"h...hi", the boy stumbled over his words.

jadon was nervous. very nervous. he wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how, because he didn't think he knew her anymore. the last time he spoke to her was when they were 15. he was now 17, she was still 16 but she was turning 17 in a couple weeks. it was obvious she had matured mentally and physically. the way she spoke to people, the way she sat, the way she carried herself. you would be surprised if you found out that she couldn't legally buy alcoholic yet. and since she had matured she conversed with the boy, but quite bluntly.

jadon = •
amarachi = +

• "how are you?"

+"im fine."

• "you look beautiful tonight..."

+ "thank you."

• "umm i see your highlights on my tl sometimes you're doing a madness"

+ "thank you."

he could see that she was not engaged nor interested but he carried on anyway.

• "a snap memory came up couple days ago of us , i can show you if you want?"

he pulled out his phone to show her the memory - that she didn't want to really see but she kept quiet. his phone died while he tried to open snapchat and he kissed his teeth. in her head she chuckled a bit because kissing his teeth was only something he started to do when he hung around her. it had rubbed off from her nigerian mother onto her then onto him when they got really close. but she opened her clutch and took out her power bank she gave it to the boy but then got up and went back to her table.

callum was still there, talking, she was annoyed but it was a better situation than the one she was just in. as she sat down she noticed lauren looked half asleep. she was laughing at her best friend when callum said,

"im funny init"

of course amarachi wasn't laughing at him but she just let him believe that and that made her laugh even more. but as callum said that, jadon was walking out of the bathroom and what he saw was that callum was making her laugh, he was jealous so he quickly passed him and amarachi caught a quick glimpse of him.

again someone was making her happy and it wasn't him and of all people callum hudson-odio. callum and jadon had beef, they unfollowed each other on insta and don't speak to each other at england camps, but no one knows why. they used to be good friends then everything changed all of a sudden. jadon knew that since they both played for chelsea, they would see each other often, almost every single day and he could tell callum had feelings for her. he was always reposting her posts on insta, liking and commenting - he was a bit of beg. but at least he was getting her attention ... amarachi would repost his reposts, reply to his comments and like some of his pictures. jadon couldn't tell if they were a thing or friends so he always asked reiss or tammy to do some investigating. thankfully they fed back that amarachi was not interested in the boy, and found him a bit weird sometimes but that they were still friends, which jadon didn't really like but at least they weren't dating.

jadon got back to his table and the group's food followed shortly after. his friends quizzed him on his whereabouts. he insisted he was fine, but joe asked if he took a massive shat and the table looked at him with their food in their mouths with disgust. he was still looking over at amarachi's table while he ate and eventually callum went back to his seat which made him feel better.

even though she saw him walk back to his table, she decided not to pay any mind to him, she was there to have a good time.

about 15 minutes later, a chef, two waiters and a hostess came out with a huge chocolate cake that had large sparklers and jadon's name written big white icing. they started to sing and then so did his friends and slowly the entire restaurant was singing jadon a happy birthday. even though in the moment he was fixated on the singing and birthday wishes he was getting, he took a quick glance at the girl and she was looking at him.

but she wasn't singing. and that broke his heart a little.

when the singing was finished jadon noticed lauren and amarachi get up to leave. he accepted that that was it. tonight had been nothing but an estranged reconciliation.

so he livened up, had fun and ended the night on a high rather than a low.

the group got ready to leave but no one had booked a cab and they couldn't sit back down, since the restaurant had another reservation for that table soon.

they were chilling outside, it was kind of cold and in the corner of his eye he noticed amarachi leaning on a car, using her phone. he wasn't going to talk to her but when he put his hand in his pockets in his pockets in an attempt to warm them up, he realised he still had her power bank. so he made his way to her. amarachi didn't see him coming so when he appeared in front of her she was a bit startled but pleasantly surprised, seeing him multiple times made her realise what drew her to him, why they became to close. when he was being sung happy birthday she wasn't trying to be rude, or making a point, the truth was she was thinking about the fact that she could see his smile, hear his laugh and feel his presence. she missed all of that.

was she still in love with him?

"here's your powerbank, thank you for that" he tried to say blankly.

"no problem" she replied.

and with that he turned around, made his way back to his friends when she said,

"happy birthday jadon"

he turned around, trying to disguise the big fat grin on his face.

"thank you amarachi" he says sheepishly.


when he got back to the boys, they started gassing him, thinking he was getting things back on track with her, but he assured them that he just went to return something.

reiss actually then went over to talk to her, since he actually hadn't seen each other in person for a quite a long time. amarachi gave reiss a big hug, which he reciprocated, when he got over to her, which lasted suspiciously long but no one thought anything of it. they talked for a while and then boys' taxi arrived and they called reiss over. the pair exchanged goodbyes but before he walked away he made sure to mention:

"he really misses you..."

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