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*please play the song*

"those are the worst dance moves i've seen, aren't you supposed to be jamaican?" ama argued

"what are you taking about? show me some dance moves then" jadon snapped

"im alright thanks"

"exactly, you can't prove you're better than me"

" we both know, when it comes to dancing, you're defo not the best"

"we can have this argument later, people are watching us - lets just do what we practised at home"

jadon put his hands around her waist and she put her arms on his is shoulders. he looked into her eyes deeply as the light dimmed and a beam of light shone over them, the venue grew silent and all eyes were on them.

jadon whispered in her ear, "it's you and i"

"forever" she added.

they danced and jadon remembered all the steps to ama's surprise. he finished by spinning her around her long, white gown embroidered with swarovski crystals shone brilliantly.

the song finished and a tear escapees her right eye, jaodn saw and was quick to wipe it away - careful not to smudge her makeup and they ended it with a kiss. the crowd cheered.

"give it up for mr and mrs sancho"

jordan came running out of the shadows, to his mum whom he'd been separated from for 30 minutes. he came with food all over his mouth and ama's motherly instincts told her make sure there was a pocket in her dress for her toddler. she took out a tissue and wiped his mouth.

"say cheesee" she said.

jordan had a big grin on his face and was missing at tooth.

"oh my god jordan what happened to your tooth?"

30 minutes ago she she last saw him he had all his teeth infact intact but that's as a mystery for later.

it was her wedding day and she was to make it unforgettable.

everyone dispersed to the dance for, their tables etc and jadon and ama sat at their hight table that overlooked the venue.

this was the time family and friends would individually come up to the newly wed couple and give their congrats, gift presents or just catch up as some were family and friends that they hadn't seen in years.

once the wave of guests had calmed down the evening was coming to a close when a couple came up the the high table.

callum and sienna.

ama had not seen them approach, her heels were hurting, so she was unbuckling them and she finally looked up it was very much a jumpscare.

"who invited them?" she thought in her head.

nevertheless she wasn't going to let them ruin her night and remained a good sport.

"thank you guys for coming tonight"

"no problem, we just wanted to say our congratulations to you guys, you make a wonder couple" sienna said.

"really?, bffr" ama thought in her head.

ama still believed that sienna and callum would trade each other for the ama and jadon in a split second.

they finally left the newly weds after a semi awkward conversation.

ama turned to jadon and he protested his innocence.

"callum basically begged me for an invite, i thought he'd embarrassed himself enough so i couldn't say no - i don't know he was going to bring her"

all she could do was laugh.

"but hey it's 11pm the night almost over, we can leave"

"what do you mean, the party just started and we can't leave before the guests"

jaodn threw his head back in frustration.

"we should have eloped in mexico" he said

"i didn't reject the idea, but our nigerian and jamaican families wouldn't have let us live it down"


for the next two hours ama enjoyed herself, keeping her son close to her, incase all of his teeth get knocked out.

it got to about 12am and almost everyone had gone - it was the calmest that the entire day had been for ama and jadon and they could finally have some time to themselves. jordan was going to stay with jadon's sister for the next couple days - while the newlywed consummate there marriage. they sat on a bench just outside the hall where the reception was.

"i think this is the part where you tell me to pack my bags because your wishing me away on the best honeymoon ever.." ama hinted, not making eye contact with jadon.

"oh yeah the honeymoon bit, shii- i completely forgot about that" he couldn't lie for shot and burst out laughing.

ama rolled her eyes and he pulled her closer to him, so close that the top of his nose touched the side of her cheek as he turned to face her with his arm around her waist.

"you know I'll always treat you good baby" he whispered.

she turned to face him and leaned in for a kiss, more passionate than the one in the church or at the reception because no one was watching.

jadon started to move his hands around her body and that's when ama pulled away.

"save it for later also someone might be watching..."

jadon slumped into the bench in defeat but the stood up from the bench holding his hand out for her to take.

"shall we go mrs sancho?" he mimicked in a snobby richmond-upon-thames type accent.

"we shall" she played along.

she took his hand but he unexpectedly picked her up from the floor and started carrying her bridal style, while walking briskly to his lamborghini.

"jadon" she screamed.

"what? we have to get home quickly before your dress turns into rags and heels turn into those beat up yeezys you love"

she crossed her arms and pretends to be made.

"i see, and we need to hurry up before you turn back into a beast" she rebutted.

"touchè" jadon replied.

jadon opens the passenger side of the lamborghini and helped his wife in, and once he was in they revved up the car and drove away into the night.

they've come a long way from the cages in kennington, the awkward meetings, spontaneous messages, makeups and breakups and reaching different bases but jadon and amarachi are destined to live happily ever after.

the end.

don't cry please
thinking of a sequel.

in the mean time you can check out my michael olise book (sancho is gonna be in there 😉), personally i think the plot is better than this one ‼️

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