heathrow -> dtm

975 24 43

jadon and ama had spent the last month and a half together. they'd told her mum they were together and she went to visit his family and they really liked her, but it was time for them to part ways. jadon was going back to germany for pre season and ama was staying in west london.

jadon dropped his bags before he opened the front door to turn around and find a sad ama standing solemnly in the corner.

"come here" he said as he opened his arms for a big hug.
"it's going to be ok, we're going to be able to do this"
he wiped her face that was wet with tears and kissed her on the lips.

"when is the next time we'll see each other?" she tried to get out amongst her tears.

"honestly? i don't know...but i'll make sure to come back when i get time off"

they embraced each other for a while until jadon's jumper got so wet from ama's tears, he could feel it in his skin, through the t shirt he had on underneath.

"im sorry"

"it's ok, at least i'll have something to remember you by" he chuckled.

although ama wanted to go to the airport with him, she couldn't. she had training an hour and  didn't want to risk getting fined - but jadon understood that.

jadon's phone rang and he took his phone out from his back pocket. reiss was calling him and he was saying to hurry up because she was outside, to drop him to the airport.

they hugged each other again for a while before reiss called again to tell jadon to hurry up. then they embraced in a long, deep kiss because who knew the next time they were going to be together. jadon's hands snaked around her waist and continuously touched the waist band of her cycling shorts.

"not now, you have to go" she said laughing as she broke this kiss.

"wish i didn't have to go" he said regenerating the kiss again.

"j-jadon, you have to go, before reiss comes and kills both of us"

"fine. come out side with me though"

the pair were met with the continuous honking of reiss' car, he rolled down his window and spoke.

"brudduh! i've been out here for like half an hour! wagwan?!"

"bake off, im here now" jadon chuckled.

jadon turned back around and saw ama behind him, he held her hand and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"i love you." she said.

"i love you too" he stated before giving her one last hug.

"come onnn!" reiss pleaded.

ama was going to say something about reiss' attitude but looked at jadon and then remembered the situation that happened between him and sienna.

"bye" was the last thing she said to him before he stepped into the car.

as soon as ama closed her front door, she got a call from jadon and they stayed on the line until he boarded his flight.

"i have to get ready for training now, safe flight jay"

"bye baby" he replied.

ama opened the drawer where kept all their training gear and dust was accumulating as she hadn't been working out regularly.

she put on her chelsea dri-fit shorts and shirt and threw a long sleeve jersey over that. she looked at the chelsea crest on her chest, wondering if she was ever going to be playing for them much longer.

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