recovery + ransom

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"wow, you look like someone's dragged you through a hedge backwards" jadon said standing in the doorway.

"thanks prince fucking charming"
"don't think you'd look too good either, haven just woken up from anaesthesia" she barked, rubbing her eyes.

"you know i'm joking" he said running over the side of her hospital bed and giving her kisses all over her face.

"noo, i feel gross"

"i don't care" he said and continued.

a voice spoke from the doorway.

"excuse me? ms balogun-christi"

they both froze and their eyes widened. ama started to laugh but jadon didn't find it particularly amusing.

"...your medication to help you with the pain"

the nurse placed a tray of antibiotics and water in the table next to the hospital bed and ama thanked her. jadon had been hiding something behind his back since he came into the room and but ama didn't question it.

she sat up on her bed in discomfort and reached over to try and get the medication, but jadon quickly stopped her.

"wait, i'll get it for you"

jadon handed her a pink gift bag before he went over to the other side of her bed to get her antibiotics.

there were flowers, her favourite foods and a card. he was standing over her with the the bottle of pills in his hand and he shook the bottle in nervousness.

she was puzzled at his visible worry, and she started to open the card.

but before she opened it she moved to one side of the bed, inviting jadon to lie next to her. he happily did so and he put his arm around her.

she started to read the card.

"to my love, the strongest person i know..."
"i wish you a very speedy recovery, i miss you next to me at night and when i wake up in the morning..."
"i've only been gone one night" she laughed.

"shh, carry on reading"

"...i know how much of an amazing footballer you are and i can't wait to see you banging goals left right and centre"

"there's more"

"lord knows what im going to when you have to go back to england, but i know we will find a way, i love you so much amarachi, words cannot explain..."
"from jay"

"aww" she said while squeezing his cheeks.
"thank you, i love you too" she kissed him and put her head on his chest.


"omg!! hey girll"

aaliyah came running up to ama who was hobbling on her crutches.

"heyyy" ama replied wearily.

"you ok?"

"yeah it's just the anaesthesia, it's not fully worn off yet and they gave me some strong ass painkillers"

"if you need anything, just call me" aaliyah stated.

"thanks girl"

ama waddled her way to the living room, sat down and facetimed her sister.

"hello beanhead, look at this wicked cast on my leg"

"nice one, how long you gonna be in the cast"

"4-6 weeks or longer depends how my ankle heals"

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