questions and answers

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ama looked around her and saw a beautiful view before her. she wasn't one to be taken away by by landscapes, it was truly something she'd never seen before, especially in london.

"do you like it?" he asked standing bedside her with his hand in his pocket and one around her waist.

"yeah..." she said as she moved his hand from her waist, but held it so it wouldn't be awkward.

he looked down at their interlocked hands.

"so have you broken up with your boyfriend?"

"wha- no, we're on a break"

"so..." he dragged.

she shook her head.
"we're yet to talk to to each other..."

"don't you think if he hasn't tried to contact you yet, he's gonna break some 'unfortunate' news" he stated.

"no, we're very busy people and i could tell he was really upset when i asked for a break"

"but don't you see, he's leading you on. don't you want someone who you can talk to, who won't say hurtful things to you and will be there?"

"ruben, it's complicated."

she really wanted to tell him off for trying to manipulate her to leave jadon but didn't want an awkward ride home, so she kept her mouth shut.

they stayed there for a little longer.

"let's go, it's been a long day for both of us." she stated.
"thank you for tonight ruben"

"no worries, my lady"

he dropped her at her mums house and have her a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

she opened the door with her shoes in her hand and saw jadon sitting in the living room.

"jadon? what are you doing here?"

"i came to see your mum and your sister"

"yeah? so where are they?"

"upstairs, it's almost 1am, i should hope they're asleep. and what's with the attitude?"

"what attitude?"

"that one."
"besides, you said you'd talk to me later, this is later no?"

"jadon let me go upstairs and get changed, i don't appreciate being bombarded as soon as i walk through my front door"

"bombarded?!" he said slyly as she walked past him and up the stairs.


tolani could hear commotion from upstairs and poked her head out of her bedroom door to find ama at the top of the stairs.

"hi ama"

"hey tolani"

"you know jadon is downstairs"

"yeah, thanks for the heads up" ama replied sarcastically.

"just trying to help"

"you know what you can do for me? go and stall him, maybe you'll talk so much he'll fall asleep and go home"

"as much as i want to do that, the way you worded that wasn't very nice"

"sorry, pleaseeee"


tolani ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water, then walked over to the living room, where jadon was with a glass in her hand.

"hey jadon!"

"tolani, shouldn't you be asleep?" jadon asked the young girl.

"im not very tired."
"jadon do you have dreams?..." she asked sitting down on the couch opposite him.

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