the end of the road

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it has been two days since jadon had said those last words to her. he'd been sleeping in a guest room, taking his stuff with him. the only thing they'd said to each other was 'sorry' and 'excuse me' when they would bump into each other. she'd had time to think but after a while pushed it to one side, not sure of where they stood as a couple. he wanted to talk to her, he didn't want the relationship to fail. something he'd chased for so long, but didn't want to be the one to give in first.

it was 11pm and jadon was looking for a pair of pair of tracksuit bottoms he hadn't seen in a while. after 20 minutes of searching, he concluded it was probably in ama's room - so he soaked up the courage to in and ask.

he knocked but don't actually wait for her to respond before opening the door - maybe an underlying urge to be with her. the door opened and ama seemed afraid, she had her airpods in and didn't hear him knock, her eyebrows furrowed a bit and seems irritated. jadon put his hand up to apologise and pointed to his ear to gesture her to pause her music.

she took an airpod out and hoped he'd come here to apologise.

"have you got my england nike tech tracksuit bottoms in here?"

she shrugged her shoulder and pointed to her wardrobe.

he looked through the wardrobe and saw, the out fit she was wearing when he first saw her  in marbella, the outfit she wore when they sat and ate breakfast together, the outfit he took off her that night he went into her room and the outfit she wore on their first date. he wasn't going to throw that all away because of his pride.

"ama i don't want to do this"

he turned around and ama was looking down  at her phone, bopping her head up and down to  the music playing between her ears.

he waved the shirt he had in his hand in-front of her and she looked up, pausing her music as he repeated what he said.

"ama, i don't want to do this anymore..."
"what your plan? to not speak until i have to go back to germany and we just pretend everything this summer didn't happen?"

she shook her head.

she wasn't talking and he didn't know why. she scratched her braids and he saw her wrist was still red, it looked like more of a rash than a bruise. but he remembered he was the one that did that to her, she had every right not to talk to him. i mean the last time she did, he hurt her - accidentally.

"i want us to work, i do love you jadon." she said.

"we can't let little things get panned out like this..."

"i wouldn't call this little."

"but i pushed her off me."

"but jadon you've done something like this before, try thinking from my perspective..."

he took a seat on the end of the bed and put his head in his hands.

"ok...i understand where you're coming from but i told you, that was in the past."

she looked at him.

"i promise."

there was long pause as he waited for her response.

"we have to tell reiss though and i think it's better i tell him." she told him.


"yo reiss, im sorry, but sienna...she kissed me" she mocked.
"he's gonna be pointing fingers straight at you...even though he's your best friend..."

she picked up her phone and put her airpods back in, opened her contacts app and belled reiss.

"hello reiss..."

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