teenage fantasy

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jadon wanted to hang out with her today, but amarachi said that she was busy and had things to do. he always seemed to want to know everything she was doing and why she was doing it - for some reason, he didn't even know why. so he asked her what she was doing and she said she was taking out her hair and washing it, he had asked her why she wouldn't be able to hang out that day, and she said it basically takes the whole day. he asked if he helped would that make it faster, she said "probably" , so he was going to go over to her yard to help her.

he came over and she had already started, the truth it he didn't really know what he was doing but he pretended like he did. it didn't last long though, amarachi felt the bottom right side of her hair where he was taking the braids out and it was all tangled. she insisted that jadon didn't need to help her and, he willingly took a back seat while she took 20 minutes trying to comb out the section of hair he was working on.

that day amarachi was home alone and it wasn't unusual for her. he mum worked three jobs to put food on the table and the girl would only see her mother for a few hours every evening, this is one of the reasons she was so keen on becoming a professional football player, so her mum didn't have to work. she had an older brother called fayo - three years older than her - and he was out most days, he never really told anyone where he was going or when he would be coming back. it was just "safe" or "see you", she felt like he took advantage of the fact that her mum wasn't their to ask him where he was going and she didn't know what he did when he was out but the way he dressed, spoke and the people he hung around she assumed it was nothing good. on the other hand she had a sister called tolani, she was six years younger than her and was an aspiring gymnast and was part of a club. she was in the gym training with her coach and team  most days, mum would drop her after school in the evening and fayo or amarachi would pick her up. every month or two she would have a camp, where her club would go away somewhere for the weekend and complete against other clubs. and that was it for the family. so when amarachi wasn't playing outside or at school...she as by herself.

"what do you want to eat?" amarachi asked jadon as she realised he been there for about 5 hours and she hadn't offered him anything.

"you got any jollof?"


this boy and jollof. ever since amarachi and jadon became close she would invite him over regularly and on a rare instance her mum would be home. when her mum was home she always made sure to make large pots of food to last a couple days because she would not usually have any time most days. so there was always some sort of rice, soup or pasta to eat when her kids got home. now that jadon was coming over he would always get a plate to eat.


"your lucky day, one more container left"
"im going to go wash my hair now, i shouldn't be too long."

the boy nodded his head while he put a spoon into his mouth. he liked this, her, the food. he felt comfortable when he was around her, she grounded him. her character reminded him that he was always going to love her, money or no money, together or apart.




overall, yesterday, jadon had a great time with his friends. even seeing ama made his night. he was hoping that meeting was a catalyst for a more friendly reaction, for the next time they would meet, so they could get back to where they were, maybe even more.

"have you got all your stuff?", reiss asked jadon in a tired, croaky voice. he might have had too much to drink last night and it caught up with him the next day.

jadon did a final double check of all of his things then got in his taxi to get to the station to catch his train to manchester - he realised it was quicker and less expensive.


overall ama had a great time last night. she laughed, ate some good food, saw some friends she hadn't met in a while and saw him. she still didn't know if she was happy that she saw him or not but either way it happened.

ama was always one to bottle up her feelings and put them to the side. she actually didn't used to be a very fun, social person. she used to just move in silence. always got good grades, was a beats at sports but she would never float or boast yet fail to acknowledge achievements and outstanding work and never used to be happy with herself.

but when she met jadon that all changed. he was always outgoing and encouraging. you could feel his presence in the room and if you saw him at a motive you knew it was going to be live. his character rubbed off on ama the more they hung out and she became more like her old, old self ... the person she was before the incident.

jadon and ama didn't actually stay in contact or speak to each other for years. jadon actually stopped thinking about her, he had let her drive him made for about 4 years by this point and he had to put himself first for one and plus this were looking up. that summer of '17 he transferred to borrusia dortmund and was cutting things up in the bundesliga and by the summer of  '19 he was one of the most coveted players on the transfer market.

ama on the other hand saw herself turning back into the person she was before she met jadon. she didn't want to go out or talk to people. that night night she saw jadon at hakkasan, she tried to think nothing of it but she realised how much light he brought into her life, bar what he did. she wasn't doing well and...

she wanted him & she needed him.

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