Chapter 6

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"Jame no!"

I didn't hear the other explosions, my coughs, or Simon shrieking out my name. But I did hear a sharp ringing that blasted through my ear drums. And I did feel my body as it hit the ground. A sharp pain shot through me and my bones cracked.

I shot open my eyes only to close them again as the smoke fogged up my vision. I waited for a minute before opening my eyes again. I stumbled on my feet, sprinted towards Simon, and crashed on my knees once I reached him.

I dragged him up by grabbing his back and wrapping my arm around his legs. slowly I started to stand, but I fell backwards. I brought Simon's head to my neck and held him tightly as I landed so he wouldn't be hurt. I cocked my head and coughed before I stood up again. This time I remained flat on my feet.

I stumbled out of the hole and rested Simon on a wall of the cave. I pulled out a water bottle from my backpack and brought it to his lips. Most of the water trickled down his face, but I noticed some water get past through Simon's lips which earned me a few coughs in response.

"Simon," I spoke softly, "Sim-on."

I don't know why I started dragging out Simon's name like that in the first place. All I know is that it stuck. I poured a bit of water on Simon's shirt, and lifted it up to hold the cold cloth against his burning forehead. 

I totally could have looked under Simon's shirt and look at his body. But that's rude. I have no consent from Simon. He'll never know though. Just look under his shirt. He's too good looking to pass up. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and returned all my thinking towards Simon's health.

"Simon, Sim-on please wake up," I dropped the damp t-shirt and took a hold of the weak boy's shoulders, "wake up god dammit!"

I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around the boy, and placed my head in the crook of his neck. I could feel his pulse along with tears threatening to spill from my eyes."


I gasped and shot straight back up. "Yeah?"

"What happened? W-what happened to you? You-you don't look so-o good."

"I'm fine Sim-on. We ran into some creepers."

"How many?''



I smiled and laughed at Simon's positivitey. I got up and pulled Simon along with me. I grabbed my pack as Simon started to wander away.

"I saw some obsidian over there," he pointed before rubbing his temple.

"You okay?"

"I-I'm fine."

"No, you might have a concussion."

"What would we do about it?" Simon was starting to raise his voice.

I shrugged my shoulders and Simon shot me an apologizing look. I was just worried about him. I've never experienced a concussion, but I know that there is throwing up and dizziness involved. We headed towards where he said he saw obsidian, and sure enough there was a large area of the purple mineral surrounded by a pool of lava.


"12 pieces," I called out.

Simon turned around to face me. I was perched on top of a stone block sitting with my legs crossed. My head rested on my hand. I had been watching as Simon cleared out the area and obtained the obsidian with his diamond pick axe.

"Uh, you have enough for a portal."

"Cool," Simon muttered, shaking back into reality. "Let's go back up and get any ores that we missed along the way."

"Sure." I followed Simon up the path of torches. Soon we reach the top of the cave to see that the moon is at the top of the sky. Midnight. Simon glanced over at me and suddenly my body jolted forwards. I looked down to see that Simon had a hold of my arm, and we started to run.

We passed a few mobs but Simon and I darted around them until we could view the shining large home. Simon pushed open the front door and dragged me inside with him. That's when he let go of my arm and we both had space to breath.

We ran

Like big babies.


"What?" Simon sighed staring intently at me.

"What?" I responded. Simon furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Why do you look mad at me!"

"I'm not mad. I-I just wanted to fight. For once. We didn't need to run.

Simon relaxed his shoulders as he took a deep breath, "yes. Yes we did. It's over now anyway. We'll fight in the Nether tomorrow," Simon grinned, "It'll be fun. The Nether's pretty cool."

"You're pretty cool," I shrugged before my face flushed, "I'm sorry. G-good night Sim-on."

I turned around and swiftly walked towards my room and collapsed on the bed.


I didn't mean to say it but it came out. I really like Simon he is a really cool guy. He was pretty smart and clever too. He made it this far alone. He was also brave. He saved me from that creeper. He was so giving too. I didn't give him anything yet he allowed me to stay here. He did have some walls around him, but once you break them you get, well, you get Simon. And he's cool. As I said before

I stepped into the bathroom and poured water into the bath section. I'd love to take a shower, but this is all I got, and I'm pretty thankful for it.

I got a white t shirt and black leggings. I took a bath and changed into the more comfortable clothing.

My stomach started to growled. I forgot to eat dinner. I walked into the kitchen and saw Simon grabbing some food from the chest and smelting food in the furnace. His hair was still wet from his own bath.

"What's cooking?" I sang.

"Porkchops and bread," Simon replied.

Suddenly I forgot all about the fight and what I said to Simon earlier as I was handed a piece of bread.

"Oh my god the food here is amazing!" I yelled.

"Only you would love the food when you are stuck in a game," Simon joked. We both laughed. I punched his shoulder and shot him a glare. Don't mock me. I'm starting to like you. You idiot.

"Goodnight," Simon spoke as he stood up from his stool.


I watched as Simon walked into his separate room and close the dark wood door before approaching my own.

I slid back into my bed and closed my eyes, but I couldn't sleep. There was one thought traveling through my mind. Over and over, eating my mind. One thought I never wanted to think, but here it was. My breathing became even and I started to drift off to sleep. I finally fell into the deep stage of sleeping, but right before I did, I repeated the thought in my mind, and smiled a little.

I like Simon.

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