Knowhere to go

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He groaned and turned back to the cockpit, to once again listen to his zune. There was about 4-5 hours to fly through 4 jump points and a countless amount of clicks, to arrive in Knowhere by dawn. Peter was planning on spending a couple hours there before very contently heading to Gamoras location, he just hoped she was there. It felt different this time, like there was some actual hope of her whereabouts instead of a made up guilt. Quill rubbed his forehead and dragged his hand down along his eyebrow before resting it on his ear. And began the long flight.

Around 5:45 am.Peter grunted as he felt a cold hand prod him steadily on the shoulder, he subconsciously ignored it at first before jumping when he realised it was someone.Mantis was poking at his upper arm, continuously.'Eugheugh' Peter spat as he came too'It is morning now, we fly today''What i've been doing for the last 5 hours' Peter clicked his controls and brought up coordinates, his peered across them and scrolled along the map. 'We're nearly at knowhere, not too long now'Mantis' eyebrows furrowed but she quickly took her seat, and plugged in a remote to a smaller screen.They carried on for another 10 minutes before pulling into the hollow skull of a celestial, peter deeply inhaled as the ships foundation touched ground. Mantis skipped around the corner, switching down the clamps that kept the ship firmly stuck down.Peter grabbed a satchel and headed towards the kicthen area. He was greeted by drax who had a spoon in what only could be described as sludlgy liquid.'Breakfast?' He gestured his pot towards quillPeter made a face of drawn back skin and disgust'I'll pass on that big guy' He diverted around drax but passed him a telecom chip to keep them in touch.He then scattered into the corridor to collect Groot and possibly a sober Rocket.'We're in Knowhere, get up a holes before i fly this rig away' Peter eyed rockets door hesitant to enter. He stood with his first poised to the door, frozen against it. He didn't want to waste time that could be spent looking for Gamora but he also wanted to break the ice with his fellow crew mate. His hand was coming closer to the door until...'Stay outta there Quill' Rockets voice came from behind himIt was a relief to Peter that he didn't have to start the conversation 'I wasn't gonna go in''Yeah so we just stand outside peoples doors now?' Rocket pushed past Quill and grabbed a small pocket gun.'You better be quick panda, we don't have all day''Alright star munch, your wish is my command' Rocket smacked'Seriously Rocket' Quill handed him a telecom chip as a peacemaking 'Just for one time, don't mess up'Rocket sniffed and walked past him attaching the earpiece to the back of his neck. The modified racoon had a reputation to get into situations he couldn't handle. To make things worse, it wasn't always accidental.Rocket and Groot wandered off the ship, groot doing more of a hop to keep up with Rocket. Eventually Drax stepped off the ship, followed by Mantis who after many minutes of convincing was heading to the bar with Drax. Peter watched them all go, in their pairs like it always was. Only he was missing his pair, he craved the feeling of someone even walking next to him let alone a loving relationship. He stood at the ramp of the craft in silence, once again thinking about Gamora.Quill wanted to splurge out his feelings on beer, but he kept his guard as flying a ship whilst intoxicated hadn't gone well last time. Who was he kidding, he didn't care about drink-flying he just had a voice at the back of his head, the voice of reason and advice. It was obvious who's voice it was. And for some reason Quill felt obliged to listen to it. Instead he spent his time wandering the market stalls, not looking at the items for more than 5 seconds and running one finger over silk peices of clothing that he was never going to buy let alone wear. He passed mirror stalls, bric a brac stalls with steel ornaments hanging off it, a vast collection of food stalls, and finally saw the one he was looking for. The 'arcade' Peter had nicknamed it that after a rundown shop on terran that he and his mum used to spend hours in. The shop was a little out the way, just down a quiet hallway of bricks and into a badly stitched material roof. It had all sorts of gadgets in, peter glancing at every single one of them. Feeling like a child again. He sat at the back of the shop fidgeting with a fold up swiped that was used to measure fuel in the ships, Peter was pretty sure there was a button on the ship that could do that but bought it none the less. After five more minutes in the shop he strolled out. Zune on shuffle. He turned a few corners and did a few shuffles to the music before being beckoned by Rocket.

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