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*Sorry about the wait!! Starmora is adapting now!! Hope you enjoyyyyy*


'Drax'. Mantis whispered. 'Drax'.

The grey warrior was passed out asleep on his chair.

'drax.' Mantis snapped.

He jolted and shot up but realising it was just mantis he retreated. 'What?'

She pointed to the small tree who was looking eagerly around the corner.


'She's coming.'

Groot hadn't found out about Gamora yet, they'd managed to stay out of each others way. The whole crew especially Rocket we're scared that he wouldn't understand, this ex-assassin was the closest mother figure he had at one point, and seeing her might confuse him.

'Groot.' Drax hollered but he didn't reply he was more fixed on what was about to come round the corner.

'The tree doesn't know.'

The bugs sentence was cut off with Gamora speeding around the corner walking straight past Groot.

'awh shit.' Quill dived for groot covering him.

'What is that support to sort?' Drax walked over to Quill on the floor.

'He can't see her dude.'

'Well yeah because you're on top of him.'


Whilst this was all kicking off Gamora had gone and sat in the cockpit unaware that her presence was a dilemma.

'Quill just tell him, he's not stupid.'

'I am groot.' There was a mumble from underneath him.

Quill was stuck, The green girl didn't know who the tree was but the tree was too young to understand why and like always Quill was tasked with sorting it out.

'Drax, you keep Groot here.' Peter stood up and marched to Gamora.

Drax being Drax he took Quills exact position and lumbered himself on top of the poor pile of sticks.

Quill huffed as he walked up to Gamora, feeling his heartbeat quicken as he got closer.

'Hello again.' Quill mumbled.

'Hey.' Gamora was shifting through their controls, judging it for its poor design.


'What do you want Peter?' Gamora gave him direct side eyes.

Quill blushed at the fact that she even said his name let alone looked at him.

'You know that tree?'



'Yes ive heard of him.' Gamora sighed.


'Just skip to the point because I really lack an interest in what you are saying.'

'He only knows the past you, but he's also only a sapling so he won't understand you being dead then alive and the stones and the fat fat purple chick who flung you off a cliff for some yellow peice of shit and then who gave you life long daddy issues-'

'Dammit Peter, get to the point.'

'Sorry. Could you just pretend you know who he is?' Quill looked apologetic. 'You don't have to do much, just remember his name. He used to sit with you and drink hot orloni milk when he was upset, you helped him pick his leather drapes. Whatever you did stuff together that only he will remember.'

Gamora said nothing, Quill couldn't tell if she was about to draw a knife out on him or burst into tears.

'What do you say?'

It took Gamora about 10 seconds to reply.

'Uh yeah sure i guess.' She didn't look at Quill. 'I'm not doing it for you though, only so the little guy doesn't develop long life mommy issues as you would put it.'

And just on cue Groot hurtled in followed by a heaving drax.

'Sorry Quill.' The big grey thing stopped to catch his breathe. 'He kicked me in the nipples and he's so freaking fast, who would've thought those stick things could get away so quickly.' Drax flung himself onto the seat next to him and tried to breathe.

All while Groot was flying for his ankles.

'Cmon dude.' Peter sighed at drax.

Groot carried on wrestling drax for 2 minutes before giving up and turning away, he did a full 360 before noticing the green woman. His little wooden face dropped, he was startled by her presence.

'I am groot?' He whispered. 'Gamora?'

Quill bent down to pick the twig up, he cupped his legs into his hand and pulled him closer to his chest.

'It's her groot, but-'

Before he could finish groot had hopped out of his hands and headed for Gamoras shoulder. She stayed composed not making eye contact with the tree.

'I am groot.' 'Where did you go?'

'Oh.' Gamora spluttered. 'Just away.'
Quill smirked at the Gamora, he tilted his head down and watched her with uplooking eyes.

'I am groot.' 'You look different.'

'Yeah well people don't always stay the same little guy.' She placed the tree back into Quills shoulder.

'I am groot?' 'I missed you.' The tree mumbled it.

'I missed you too.' Gamora had no idea who this tree was but knew he had sweet intentions.

Quill stood up with the tree on his shoulder.

'Is it time for you to sleep yet twigs.' Quill yawned.

He passed the tree to Drax who walked him out of the room, mumbling away to him.

The two left in the room, Gamora and Peter stayed lurking together.

The tension was real this time, both feeling something very different.

'You were good with him.' Quill sniffed.

'Yeah well he's sweet and only little.'

'Anyway how did you learn how to speak... groot?' Quill questioned.

'You mean tone language?' Gamora snarled. 'It's pretty easy as long as you're not thick.'

'Well that rules me out.' Quill laughed.

'I wouldn't say you're smart Peter but you are not thick.'

He enjoyed being called Peter because nobody else ever called him peter, except from his Mother. It felt special to him without Gamora even knowing she was doing it. Quill had almost become his first name by now.

Quill didn't reply to her comment he just laughed. He hoped to his seat and prepared the ship for a flight to Contraxia.

'So...' Gamora continued.

Quills heart missed a beat as for once she was starting a conversation.

'Yes.' Quill said all too eagerly.

'This Contraxia place, i haven't been in years. How much has it changed?'

'Not one bit, it'll be just like old times for you.'

'Right.' Gamora murmured, she hadn't exactly had the best time with this place.

Quill didn't catch on and carried on talking.

'There's the bars obviously, and the clubs.' She nodded. 'There's also this really sick dj spot, it plays all the bangers from Earth. Terran tunes it's called. Tacky i know.' Quill spoke.


'Oh and the ladies of course. Blue skinned beauty's.' Quill imagined.

Gamora glared at him.

'What? I'm a single lonely guy.'

' I could change that' Gamora thought, but was quickly brought back to reality. 'Shut up shut up shut up what are you thinking? Why would you even think that?'

Quill unaware to Gamoras thoughts carried on flying the ship.

'I need to find my sister.' Gamora muttered urgently.

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