Stage two: Anger

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(For the stages of grief I'm going to focus on the Madrigals! In between though I'll switch over to Bruno and Mirabel)

Third p.o.v

Nothing. Nothing nothing nothing. No Mirabel. No clues. Just nothing. Only misery, grief, and sobbing. How could Alma's family go from happy and perfect, to grieving and broken in just two days? Everything was ruined, Julieta, Alma's own daughter, wouldn't even look her in the eyes.

They began to rebuild what used to be a home. But Julieta and Augustín couldn't even help. Julieta couldn't help because she was to busy crying and looking for Mirabel; and Augustín was always to busy helping his wife. All the family would hear was crying and yelling at nothing, as if begging for Mirabel back.

Poor Julieta was all anyone was thinking when they saw her. Isabela and Luisa couldn't help comfort their mother, hell, even Augustín couldn't fully comfort his wife either, he was still trying to grasp the situation.

All Alma could do was lead the reconstruction of their home and try to talk and comfort her distraught daughter; but every time she tried, she was met with cold stares and bitter words.

"You should have never told Mirabel that."

"You never liked my daughter, did you?"

"Why do you always push everyone you don't approve of away?"

"First Bruno, now my daughter. Who's next?"

It was clear Julieta wouldn't forgive abulea until Mira was found. Even then, who knows if Julieta would even think about forgiveness. She wasn't a woman to get mad, but when she was angry; you better stay away from her rage.

She stood at the edge of the forest yelling for Mirabel but still, no response. Her two other girls stood by her, both there to help, and to be of comfort to their grieving mother.

"Tía Julieta?" The disgruntled woman looked down to see her sad nephew tugging on her dress, she couldn't help but smile at him "Yes Toñito?" Julieta kneeled down to her nephews level "When is Mirabel coming back? The tiger she gave me got torn and I want her to fix it.." he pulled out the stuffed tiger from behind his back and showed his tía the rip the stretched from the toys arm down to its side.

Julieta couldn't bring herself to tell her bright eyed nephew that his favorite príma was missing.

So, she lied to him, hoping to not only ease Antonio's worries, but also her own; "Oh, she's a bit upset right now, okay? She needs to let off some steam..She'll be back soon.." Julieta ruffled her nephews curly hair and cupped his cheek, Antonio smiled and nodded before handing his torn stuffed toy to his tía "When she comes back can you give it to her so she can fix it for me?"

God, Julieta was struggling to hold back tears, so she just sadly smiled and nodded to Antonio, the young boy hugged her and began to run away as his mother called him.

The dam broke. Tears erupted from Julieta tired eyes, she clung onto to the stuffed animal her daughter made by hand with the love she had for her little prímo she considered her brother, it was the love that tied it all together. Her sobs broke her daughters. The strong woman they looked up to, now sobbing and surrounded by sadness.

They both stooped down and engulfed their mother in an embrace, tears streaming down their face as well. They could hear footsteps coming towards them, but they didn't care. Their main focus was on their mother who would comfort them as children, now it's their turn to comfort the woman who was to strong for her own good.

"Isabela, Luisa, could you give me and your mother some space please?" The two girls looked up to see their abulea. They looked at their mother, as if asking if they should go. The look Julieta gave them confirmed that they should go. And so they did just that.

Julieta stood up in front of her mother "Listen Julieta, I know your upset, but we need-" she cut her mother off and spoke over her "You don't know anything about what I'm feeling mamá!" listen. Julieta was not a woman to yell, not at all. So, Alma was shocked at the fact her own daughter would yell at her.

"Don't yell at me Julieta. I do know what you're feeling. I felt the same thing with Bruno!" Alma couldn't have chosen anything worse to say. Because after that, she and Julieta just went back and forth with each other.

"You were the one to make Bruno leave!"

"No, he didn't care about this family Julieta!"

"You don't care about this family mamá! He left because everyone, including you, made him out to be a monster!"

"I was protecting the family and this town!"

"By pushing Bruno and Mirabel away?!"

At this point they were just shouting over one another, neither of them allowing the other to fully finish speaking. Everyone, even their family could hear them shouting. They didn't even notice how their family came down from the hill to see what the yelling was.

"Neither of them were good enough for you! You always judged Mirabel harshly because she had no gift! Yet she still wanted to make you proud of her but you never were! You made her leave us, just like what you did with Bruno!"

Now everyone was silent. No more yelling, silence. Tears of anger and sadness trailed down Julieta's angered face. "Mirabel's gone..?" Both Alma and Julieta looked to where the voice came from, they looked down to see Antonio's face that was wet with sad tears. Julieta quickly wiped her own face and tried to put on a fake smile, but just looking at his face brought more tears to her eyes "I-.." she tried to find words, an excuse maybe, but nothing came out.

She just walked over to him, handed back his tiger, and hugged him, apologizing for lying, her nephew clung on to her and cried as well. All while Alma looked at the scene wondering why this was happening to her family..

A/N: Hey im super sorry for no updates, but I've been busy. Where I'm at recently got 8 inches of snow so I'm hoping I get a three day weekend so I can update more but I don't think I will:(
Anywho, get ready for the next few chapters, because one is going to be about Toñito and how he's handling everything ;)

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