Five stages of grief.

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(Just know that I will switch from Bruno and Mirabel over to Juileita and their families just so the book feels more sad:3)

Third p.o.v

Another sun set and Julieta's daughter had yet to be found, they searched the riverbank, hills and mounds, yet nothing was found. Julieta wasn't going to stop, she would yell endlessly for her daughter, ignoring her family telling her to rest. She searched endlessly for her Mirabel.

She would look at every nook and cranny trying to find her baby. All while humming to keep her mind away from the fear that maybe something had happened to her daughter. What if something attacked Mirabel? Or if she's sick because of the cold? Or- Julieta pushed away those thoughts away. Nothing had happened to her daughter, Mirabel was safe. Nothing happened..

A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea~

Julieta remembered the night Mirabel didn't get her gift, she remembered cradling her weeping daughter who wondered why she was good enough to get a gift. Julieta remembered how not even she knew how to give her own daughter comfort. But Bruno did...

Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea

She remembered the day after, Mirabel didn't get up for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. Julieta remembered how her once happy and lively baby girl was now quiet. How her daughters once bright and shiny chocolate brown eyes were now dull and glazed over with tears.

A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea

She remembered how from that day on Mirabel pushed herself to make up for her failed ceremony, pushing herself to her limits all to make her family proud of her.. All so she could be praised and shine like her sisters and cousins.

Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea

How Mirabel would walk around town bringing joy to everyone around her, bringing life to a dull room. How her daughter put others before herself. How her daughter doubted herself, not knowing or seeing how the townspeople looked at her with love. Mirabel was the towns light. She connected everyone to each other..

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora

How Mirabel would dance as if nobody was watching, her laughter brought happiness and life to others. Mirabel did have a gift, she could bring joy without even trying or lifting a finger. All she needed was to be herself.
Julieta kept on walking, still searching, ignoring the pain in her feet. The only sounds keeping her company was her humming and the crunching of leaves beneath her aching feet.

Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora
Calla minetras la cuna se balancea

She called out louder and louder, each time she became more and more desperate for any response. Any sign or clue to where her vida was. Her throat was cut and sore, but she didn't care, she just needed to find her girl. She would walk the ends of the earth to find her.

A la nanita nana, nanita ea

As the memories of every moment she spent with her youngest daughter.. Every moment she took for granted, always expecting another day with all of her children. She'd give anything to go back.. Her eyes watered until finally the dam broke, she broke down and fell to her knees, her tired legs giving out, she sobbed and didn't stop. Tears soaked her face.

Her sweet, kind hearted, selfless, talented, beautiful, caring, loving, intelligent, funny daughter wasn't gone. Julieta told herself that. Mirabel wasn't gone. They'll find her and bring her home. Mirabel was fine. Her family was still strong. Julieta was strong. Everything was fine.

Mirabel will come back and everything will go back to normal.

Stage one


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