A new start..

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(This takes place 1 day after the last one)

Third p.o.v

It was day four of Bruno's and Mirabel's journey, and so far it was going fine. Neither of them had to seriously injured, they came across fruit surprisingly often, same with water, maybe they had a guardian angel.. The two of them have laughed more then they ever had in their lives while with each other, jokes were constantly being exchanged between them.

They were at the top of the mountain, the uncle and niece both quieted down as they admired the beautiful view ahead of them "Wow.." Bruno said breathlessly, Mirabel spoke as well "I've never been outside of the village..I can't wait to see what's out there.." her eyes were full of hope for a new life and wonder, Bruno smiled at his niece "Well, now we'll both see what's out there."

They smiled at each other and looked back in front of them, Mirabel gasped and quickly grabbed her tíos wrist while jumping like a kid on Christmas morning "Tío look! I can see smoke over there! There could be another village there!" her smile was wide and bright, Bruno laughed and responded "Yea, I can see the smoke. Calm down Mira, that village isn't going anywhere-" before he could even finish his sentence, his overly excited niece was already running towards the smoke.

Bruno quickly ran after Mirabel while laughing. He caught up pretty fast, it wasn't like he was in bad shape at all, he did parkour in confined walls constantly. "Calm down Mirabel, like I said, it's not going anywhere." He chuckled as he spoke, Mirabel smiled back and calmed down, they went back to walking and chatting. But there was something in the back of Bruno's mind bothering him what if those people at that supposed village aren't good people..? that thought buzzed in the back of his already to worried mind.

His mind was running through worst case scenarios, he was so caught up in his own head that he didn't see the vine that was sticking out of the ground, Bruno tripped and fell on his face, that's one way to get himself out of his head.. Mirabel couldn't help but snicker at her fallen tío "I'm sorry-" she mustered out while still trying not to burst out laughing "Are you okay?" Mirabel held out a hand, which Bruno took. He got up and stared his laughing niece in the eyes, he smiled and laughed as well.

They stopped laughing, (it took longer for mirabel to stop laughing, tears started leaking out of her eyes. Bruno was just glad those tears were of laughter and not sadness..) the pair continued walking, the large trees provided them shade from the heat of the sun.

"Jodido Cristo..." Bruno slipped out as they saw a cliff they needed to cross over to get to the village they had spotted earlier "Oh shi- I'm sorry!" he apologized while his niece just patted his shoulder sarcastically.

"Now what do we do? Jump?" Bruno said, obviously joking, until he looked over at his niece, who looked like she was seriously considering trying to jump over "Mirabel no." of course Bruno was going to try to convince her to not jump but she didn't even let him finish before cutting him off "It's not that large of a cliff, it's the same size of the cliff I jumped over in your old room-" "YOU WHAT-?!"

They went back and fourth for awhile until Mirabel ran backwards, and started bolting towards the cliff, Bruno of course yelling at her to stop, but did she? No. No Mirabel didn't.

By the grace of God apparently, Mirabel made it safely. She turned around with her arms in the air and a huge victorious smile on her face "I told you I could do it!" Bruno was clutching his hair "You almost gave me a heart attack Mirabel!" He shouted back, Mirabel didn't even blink, she just told him to hurry up and jump.

Bruno did.

Not as flawlessly as he almost fell off, but he regained his balance again. Mirabel and Bruno stared at each other, Mirabel's smile didn't fade at all, she just turned and started walking again as if nothing had happened.

More walking and chatting, same old same old. It began to cool down as the sun set, they looked at each other and both decided to stop and sleep. They'd walked a lot anyways. They did the same thing they always did, make a shelter, Bruno starts a fire while cursing and saying sorry after, and then them falling asleep.

The two runaways didn't expect anything different to happen that night, why would they right? They said goodnight to one another and fell asleep..

Mirabel was shaken, someone was trying to wake her up, she assumed it was her tío, she rolled over to the other side and groaned, until she heard a voice that was unfamiliar speak to her "Hey, are you two okay?" all tiredness left her body as she shot up and backed away, she looked at her still sleeping tío and tried to get to him, until the mysterious woman grabbed her arm and spoke again "Hey, don't worry..I'm not here to hurt you. Are you two okay?" Mirabel still wasn't completely calmed, she looked at the woman and nodded.

"Who are you?" Mirabel asked the woman, the woman, who looked to be in her early fourties or late thirties, introduced herself as Catalina, she had dark skin, black curls, and was wearing a simple cream colored nightgown "I heard you two and I didn't recognize your voices..What's your name?"
By now, Mirabel was more calm, but was still confused and on guard "Mirabel..My name is Mirabel."

Catalina smiled "That's a pretty name, and whose the man with you?" Mirabel looked at her tío, turned to the lady and answered "He's my tío." the older woman nodded and asked Mirabel to wake him up so she could ask him something.

Mirabel walked towards her tío and shook him "Tío Bruno.." Bruno groaned and mumbled out "What is it Mira?" it was clear Bruno was still tired and not even focused on what she was saying "Tío Bruno despierta, hay una señora aquí.." that got Bruno up.

He shot up and shoved Mirabel behind him and looked at Catalina "Who are you and what do you want?" his voice was serious and dark, any feeling of sleep left his body the second his niece said someone was there. "My name is Catalina, me and my husband heard you both and I wanted to see if everything was alright.." Bruno was still suspicious of the woman, he looked her up and down and told her that he and Mirabel were fine.

Catalina offered them to sleep in her house for the night, Bruno and Mirabel looked at each other, Mira whispered to her tío that sleeping in a actual house would be fine for just one night, Bruno looked at Catalina and nodded, the two got up and followed the woman until they reached a small cozy house, Mirabel realized that this was the village they had seen earlier.

They entered the house and Catalina offered them some water, to which they accepted gratefully, "You two can sleep on the couches for tonight.." Catalina told them with a small smile on her face, Mirabel thanked her for allowing them in her house, the woman nodded and left back to her room.

It had been days since the two of them slept on something soft. They sunk into the foam of the couch and fell asleep, or at least Mirabel fell asleep. Bruno was still worried about the woman, she seemed to nice.. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his head, and fell asleep on the opposite couch.

Maybe they'll have a chance at a new start?...

A/N: Sorry for not updating in awhile, I kinda forgot but here's this one! Also don't worry, Catalina will NOT be shipped with Bruno, she has a husband named Mateo! I'll try to make Catalina and her husband on artbreeder tomorrow!

Thank you for reading btw<3

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