Third p.o.vMirabel, Bruno, and Catalina continued walking around the village, "You two came at the right time, the festival of flowers is tomorrow. You guys will love it!" Catalina's voice was cheerful and full of excitement, Bruno and Mirabel looked at each other confused before Bruno asked Catalina what the festival of flowers is,
"You both didn't have the festival of flowers in your village?"
Bruno and Mirabel shook their heads in unison, confused yet slightly excited to see what the festival was about, "Well, then this is perfect! You guys should stay for awhile longer! Wait- do you guys have a place to stay?" Catalina asked, excited at the beginning of her sentence, which slowly turned to a questioning tone.
"No, we don't-" Bruno said, trying to ignore the whispers of the towns people, Catalina's eyes widened, she smiled and offered them to stay in her house, "We have a guest room that isn't really used, you two could stay there!"
That caught Mirabel's attention, she turned her head, eyes full of excitement "Really?! Thank you so much!" she had a big smile on her face, the biggest smile Bruno or Catalina had ever seen.
The three of them continue on, chatting and looking around the village, Catalina spoke "You guys need new clothes for the festival tomorrow, there should be a clothing store nearby."
"Me and my tío don't have any money with us though-"
"It's fine, I'd be glad to pay, your clothes are messy anyways." The older woman responded to Mirabel, paying no mind to the fact that she'd be paying out of her own wallet. Mirabel's and Bruno's eyes went wide, Bruno spoke up "Thank you for offering, we're fine-"
Catalina cut him off, telling him and his niece to just accept the offer, the uncle and niece looked at each other and continued walking.
They first entered a bakery, the smell of fresh bread and pastries filling the air, "¡Hola señorita Cadman!" Mirabel turned her head to see a girl, about the same age as Isabela, Catalina greeted the girl back "¡Hola Andrea! ¿Cómo está tu madre?"
Andrea smiled "Ella esta bien! What do you need?"
the girl looked at Mirabel and Bruno before asking "Oo new people, who are they?"Catalina laughed a bit "This is Bruno and Mirabel, they are uncle and niece, they're staying for awhile."
"Alright, well, hello you two, I'm Andrea!" she said with a smile, Mirabel said hello back, and Bruno just waved.
"Can I get 2 pan de queso, 2 pan de yuca, and..." Catalina trailed off, thinking of what her husband would want, Andrea, already knowing what Catalina wanted, answered for her "And pan mojicón?" she already put the bread in a brown bag, "Your husband always wants those señorita."
Catalina smiled, thanked her, payed, and walked out.
Mirabel and Bruno were still looking around the village, the colorful banners the were strung around town, people setting up for tomorrow's festivities, the beautiful flowers that reminded Mirabel of her sister Isabela.. Her eyes slightly watered, a stray tear falling down her cheek, "Are you okay Mira? What's wrong?" Bruno asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Mirabel wiped her eyes "Nothing, let's go." she put on a fake smile that Bruno saw right through, but let it go.
The three of them stayed out for 1 more hour, with Catalina introducing them to some people, getting food for dinner, and of course looking at clothes for her two guest's.
Mirabel got a new dress, it was a beautiful green color, with gold butterflies and flowers embroidered on the skirt, it had a ruffled collar, the sleeves went down to the elbow and also had ruffles.
Bruno got a shirt and new pants, the shirt was the same color as Mirabel's top, it had gold accents, his pants were a darker green, almost black, with gold accents as well.
Mirabel thanked Catalina endlessly, Catalina just told her that it was no problem and that it was the least she could do.
They got back to Catalina's home, where her husband, Mateo was, he had gotten back from work early, he had cleaned around the house, and even made dinner for his wife. (also for his guests, how kind of him!)
Mateo gets introduced to Mirabel and Bruno, and Catalina showed them to the guest room, the four of them ate dinner in silence until Mateo spoke up "So, why are you two here? Did you get run out?" he had a gruff voice, Catalina put down her fork and kicked him from underneath the table "Mateo!"
Bruno answered Mateo's question (even though it was rather rude..) "No, me and my nieces house was destroyed, so was most of our village, so, a lot of people left to find new homes. Me and Mirabel came across your village."
That statement was enough to dampen to mood of the already awkward, dinner. Mateo apologized, Bruno just nodded and said that he didn't know. They continued to eat their dinner and when everyone was finished, Mirabel volunteered to help Catalina with dishes, leaving Bruno and Mateo by themselves.
It was awkward as Bruno cleaned of the table,
"I'm sorry about what happened to your village, it must've been hard to leave." Mateo said, his voice still gruff, but quieter than before, Bruno chuckled dryly,
"It's hard for Mirabel.. I wasn't well liked in the village.. I was seen as a bad omen." He paused before speaking again "I was always sort of removed from my family and the village.. But Mirabel wasn't, that's why it's harder on her then me, she seems to be taking it well though." Bruno finished cleaning off the table and looked up at Mateo, who wore a sympathetic expression.
"Your niece sounds strong. Leaving a place you've always known is hard for someone her age.." Mateo looked at Bruno, offering a small smile, which Bruno returned "Yea.. yea she is.."
Mirabel and Catalina came back from the kitchen, Bruno looked at Mira and spoke "You look tired, let's get you to bed alright."
"I'm not that tired tío-" she was cut off by a yawn, her body betraying her words, Bruno raised an eyebrow, walked towards his sleepy niece, put his hand on her back and led her to the guest bedroom "Yea, sure. Come on, you need to go to bed Mira.."
Catalina and Mateo saw the way Bruno looked at his niece, he looked at her the same way a father looks at his daughter. He spoke to her the same way a father spoke to his daughter..
Mirabel got in bed and covered herself in the blankets, Bruno said goodnight to his niece that was already halfway asleep, and in Mirabel's sleepy haze, she said something that pierced Bruno's heart.....
"Buenas noches papá..."
A/N: Sorry for not updating in awhile, funny story, I was in the hospital teehee- anyways, thanks for reading and I'll try to update more! AND THE BIGGEST TY FOR OVER 1.K READS!!!

𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤.
ActionThis story is inspired by: despairful.encounter on TikTok, book credit goes to them! What if Mirabele was never found? This story is an Alternate Ending to the Disney movie Encanto. Please watch the movie before reading to understand!