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Third p.o.v

As they sat down on the cold forest floor, Mirabel couldn't help but realize how tired she was, her body was sore from running. The sun set in front of the two of them was beautiful, Bruno took it all in, the fresh air, the cool breeze, everything around him was more beautiful then he remembered; it had been so long since he saw the sunset.. Mirabel rested her head on her tío's shoulder, she sleepily mumbled out one sentence before she shut her eyes and fell asleep "Gracias tío por todo.." Bruno looked down at his sleeping niece and softly smiled at her, he slowly took the quilt from her sleepy grasp and draped it over Mirabel's shoulders. Her words hit him hard, for the first time someone thanked him, she didn't yell at him or call him evil; Bruno swore to himself that he'd protect her with every fiber of his being, they were on their own now, they were all each other had..

Bruno rested his head on his nieces and shut his eyes, falling into another dreamless sleep, those were the only types of dreams he ever had; if only Mirabel could say the same, her dreams were filled with her families screams as casita fell on them, yells of how she caused this engraved themselves in her mind, she stared at the broken house in front of her, tears streamed down her cheeks, as Mirabel walked towards the rubble the smell of rust and metal hit her nose, she recoiled at the strong and unpleasant smell. She continued but stopped at what she saw before her. Her mother, bloodied and bruised. Her father scratched and clothes tattered. Her oldest sister's, lifeless and limp. She backed away, unable to stare at the sight for any longer..

Mirabel shot up from her nightmare, tears soaked her face, her breathing was fast as she tried to wrap her head around the horrific scene she had saw. Bruno woke up when his nieces head had moved from underneath his own, he looked at her with panic when he saw the state she was in, immediately, are you okay's flew out of his mouth. Mirabel didn't answer, she just hugged her tío and clung on to him as if her life depended on it. Bruno had any nightmares in his life, he can tell Mirabel had one, he held onto her "Wanna talk about it?" his voice was quiet and comforting, Mirabel didn't answer, she just held onto him harder, "It's okay, we don't have to talk, we can just sit here." he rubbed her back as he spoke to her, he knew that sometimes nightmares were so bad that even talking about them brings back the same fear and dread you felt in the dream..

They sat there until Mirabel calmed down and fell back to sleep, Bruno took off his poncho, folded it, and placed it under Mirabel's head, he readjusted the quilt to better cover his nieces body, he laid down the the forest floor next to her and fell back asleep, trying not to worry about what the world would throw at them. But one thing was certain, whatever the world threw at them, Bruno would make sure it never hit Mirabel.

Mirabel woke up first, her dried tears made it hard to fully open her eyes, once she rubbed her eyes she sat up, she looked at what she had been resting her head on, Mirabel smiled as she saw Bruno's green poncho, neatly folded acting as a makeshift pillow. She grabbed it, shook off all the leaves and placed it on a sleeping Bruno. She looked around, trying to see if there was any kind of fruit nearby, after looking for a minute, she saw a mangostino tree, she got up, and began to walk but winced the second she put any weight on her ankle, she ignored the pain and continued walking through decaying branches, leaves crunching beneath her feet. After what felt like a lifetime she was finally at the tree, now all she had to do was climb it. Great.

She wasn't even a foot off the ground and was already tired, she couldn't stop trying though, they needed something to give them energy, so she pushed on climbing until she finally reached a branch that held four perfectly ripe fruit. She struggled to grab them, but she eventually got them, now all she had to do was get down.. Wait how am I supposed to get down-? Mirabel stayed in place for a minute, thinking of a plan, until she accidentally dropped the fruit onto the forest floor, okay, well, problem solved. She climbed down, picked up the mangostino, and made her way back.

Mirabel came back to a still sleeping Bruno, she sat down and shook him, he groaned and rolled over, she rolled her eyes and shook him again, Bruno opened his eyes and turned back to face Mirabel "I got us some fruit." she handed two over to her tío, Mirabel looked around and found a sharp piece of wood, she used it to cut open the fruit, she handed it to Bruno who thanked her, they sat in silence as they ate, "Do you miss them?" Bruno was looking at her as he asked his question, Mirabel looked back at him before answering "Not as much as I thought I would, I guess I'm just used to not being as close to anyone else in the family. I wasn't in any kind of family picture or portrait." She shrugged and went back to eating, of course not before asking if Bruno missed them, "Not exactly, there's a part of me that's almost happy that I'm finally gone." They both smiled at each other and went back to eating.

Maybe this won't be as bad as Mirabel thought..Maybe they'll both get a chance of a happy ending, they deserved it.. Didn't they?

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